You've heard of the "Great American Smoke Out" - the day when everyone is encouraged to stop smoking for just one day?

What if, for ONE day, all the bald women in this country (or whatever country you live in) came out in public with nothing on their heads? Imagine the effect! People wouldn't be able to assume that every bald woman they see has cancer. Bald women would become non-remarkable very quickly, just as bald men have. Women like me and other members of AW, who already go out in public bald, would instantly stop feeling so alone.

I'm thinking of making a YouTube video and setting a date for sometime during the summer (when it's warm everywhere). If I picked a date - say a Saturday in July - and put up a YouTube video now urging all bald women to join in on a National Bald Out THAT day, would any of you who don't currently go out in public bald do it for that one day?

Maybe we could get a news service "flash" out there and get TV and print media to pick up on the story! Anyone know how to do that?

I don't know what category to put this's about society, and acceptance, and news, and promoting, I'll just put it in Bald is Beautiful, and hope you all see it.

Please share this with other friends on AW and respond - YES OR NO...would you join in?

April 29
HERE WE GO! I just put the video on YouTube. You can find it under the title "Announcing the National Bald Out!", or at this link:

I hope you all like it! Thank you to everyone for their comments and suggestions as to the content, and special thanks to the lovely ladies who allowed me to use their photos at the end of the video. I think that adds a lot.

On the Bald Girls Do Lunch site,, there are some absolutely amazing T-shirts, buttons, banners...and loads of other fun items with two different National Bald Out logo designs, as well as a great one that says "Bald? So What!" I LOVE IT! Thanks so much, Thea! To view the items, click on "Logo Products", then click on "Bald Out July 19". Remember - 100% of proceeds fund the BGDL nonprofit's national outreach to women with alopecia areata, so your purchase of a National Bald Out T-shirt (or other item) will directly benefit women with alopecia.

The next step is for everyone to join the newly-created Alopecia World group "National Bald Out". Until we get the Group up on the Home Page, you can go to this link to join:

A big Thank You to rj for all his help!

I'll be posting more soon on the National Bald Out group.

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Ya know, I've been thinkin about this all morning! If the involvement is there, and it sure looks like it is, maybe we could sort of turn it into a fund raiser for the Alopecia Foundation. Then we could get their involvement too!? We could really make it big if we all stand up together united! Let me know what I can do to help!!
I m stil not bold enough to come out bald in public! Is there any other way to support it?
I know it's hard, particularly depending on where you live. I have to give some thought to how everyone - wigless or not - might participate.
If I could find any people in my area I would definitely do it! It would kind of lose some of the point if I was the only one lol. I was planning on doing it this summer anyways. Has anyone suggested getting local radio stations involved? They reach an extremely large amount of people and most people listen to them all day anyways so you would be bound to reach people with alopecia.
Good idea! I tried before to get our local NPR station interested in an interview in connection with a Bald Girls Do Lunch event here in San Diego...they weren't interested. But, maybe something like this would be more newsworthy.
Ya know, I've been thinkin about this all morning! If the involvement is there, and it sure looks like it is, maybe we could sort of turn it into a fund raiser for the Alopecia Foundation. Then we could get their involvement too!? We could really make it big if we all stand up together united! Let me know what I can do to help!!
Thanks, Valerie. If you mean NAAF - I don't want to tie it to them.

I'll let everyone know what they can do. I'm getting excited about this!
I love it, a National Bald Out Day! I have not covered my head since I shaved and came out last year in July and I would love to run into a couple of women with shaved heads. I've run into a couple of women in DC and it was great to get a nod of approval from other women. I run into bald men all the time, they give me the thumbs up or high five...most of them anyway. Let's Do It!!
I'm in! I go out bald every day and 'face the music' but I'm happy to encourage others to go for it.
This is a great idea....
Thanks, Jennifer. From some of the comments made on AW, it seems like there are many women out there who are close to being able to go out in public bald, but just need the encouragement and support that an event like this might give.
I love the idea, especially if everyone wore T-shirts that said, "Alopecia Rocks!" or something similar, so people would be aware that a statement is being made.
Thanks, LeslieAnn! I definitely envision the T-shirt making some reference to Alopecia.

Do you have any media contacts in the Portland area (from your TV interviews or book promotions) that you might be able to connect with to get the word out?



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