
I was diagnosed with AA in September and I've lost about 50% of my hair.  It is still falling out from everywhere, some days a lot and some nothing.  I purchased a topper, which I liked at the beginning.  Now the clips are bugging me and it doesn't sit right (think due to lack of hair).  I have been debating on shaving what I have left and buying a full wig.  The process of losing my hair is worse than actually losing it.  It's taking forever and some days I just think "go already".  I've read horror stories about how wearing a wig is uncomfortable and they shift.  Just wondering, what is wearing a wig really like?  Thanks in advance for any comments.  Take care! 

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Hi Cheyenne,

You will definitely know the right time to shave and I totally understand the sadness, frustration and anger that goes along with seeing all your hair fall to the floor.  You have to take it day by day but your journey through this will make you stronger in the end…it just takes time, healing and renewal of confidence.  There is a large support group in the Toronto area called CANAAF that has several break out groups that may be able to help you.  You can look them up at www.canaaf.org.

Moving into a wig is a tough experience and a wig will never replace bio hair. There are limitations to some hairpieces while others there are less.  For me right now, wearing a wig is the most comfortable item I wear on my head as it makes me look and feel like the old me with my bio hair.  

At the beginning though it was hard as you have to adjust to looking different than what you did originally, some hairpieces are itchy, some do move around but with all the options available now, you should make a list of what you would like your hair to be able to do for you, and where you plan on wearing it.  There are options available for all situations and so it takes some legwork to find the right option for you.  

You should read my first blog about my hair loss (I lost it 5 years ago…head to toe in 5 months) and my blogs that come later and you can actually witness the healing that happens.  Alopecia World is a great support group and helped me get through some of my most difficult times.   I now help people with alopecia (I'm a Freedom Rep) and have found this to be the most rewarding gift from getting my alopecia.  

You will be fine and your first best bet is to go to a wig salon in your area and try on full hairpieces so you get an idea of what it will feel like.  I also recommend attending a support group as it is so nice to not feel alone.

Warm Wishes,


Hi Jenn,

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my question.  I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.  I have heard of freedom wigs and would love more info.  A few weeks back I did fill out the contact us on the webpage, but didn't hear anything back.  Thanks again!



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