I bought my first hair piece a month ago and I really like it, it looks great and is currently hiding everything, However, as the shedding continues (and continues...) I am feeling as though this will not hide things much longer. And on top of that I love the look but wear my hair down with the hair piece (just a top piece that blends in) and then I have to constantly feel the shedding (ACK!).

So...is it possible to wear a wig and pin up the hair I currently have? I use combs to keep in the hair piece but it does not always feel secure as the hair is so thin up there now.

Does anyone have hair underneath but wear a wig? Does it damage your hair? ANd what kind of wig can you wear? I hear a lot about freedom and vacuum wigs but understand they work when there is nothing under there. What are my best options?

Also, I work out most days and am wondering are there wigs you can easily put in ponytails and then take the ponytail out? It is hard to wear a ponytail with this hair piece...

Thanks all, this site is incredibly helpful...

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Thanks all. Rosy, your daughter is so lucky to have such an involved mother like you.

BMG, mine started about 7 months ago too! Yes, agonizing is truly the word for this slow fall...argh. I think a freddom wig sounds amazing too. I feel that it will be my next step. I got lucky because I found a place today, a little shop, and they are the direct manufacturers, so it was their own brand. And they had my exact hair (that I used to have). Exact color, length, body, texture. It was crazy. Not sure how it will hold up. It's human hair made in asia they said. And the cap is just a fitted one, no clips, since those clips really do hurt - I agree!!! It was so much cheaper than everything I have looked at. I think it's a great idea to get one for sleeping in, wearing around. I am sporting the bandana as I type. I have not embraced bald either. I am not ready for my 4 year old to tell the world. The six year old gets it all much better! Let me know what you think of the new one you ordered.

Chris M - didn't know you could wear a freedom wig with a little hair left. Thanks for the tip. And let me know what you think of it once you try it out!


I will let you know how it turns out. I am going tomorrow to get my human hair wig thinned a bit and layered. Do you find that there is just sooo much hair on these wigs? I went from super thin hair, to super thin hair that was trying to cover bald spots to BOOM thick hair. I still look at myself a little weird in the mirror so I think with thinning it a bit may help me look normal. I am glad you found a place that can help. You should feel lucky to have found something so close to your hair type. Almost like you were meant to get it. You will have to update me on how the custom cap is. I am second guessing my purchase here (something I do quite often with everything that costs over $20) LOL. I have the full hand tied cap that is actually very comfortable, but I have a little head and it seems a little big. I am wondering if that is why it seems to be falling off in addition to me still having some hair. Glad to have chatted with you

I am the opposite, I bought a Jon Renau online that everyone loved and it was SO thin on me! I have super thick hair usually so it was strange to see me with so little! Even though it has been thinning but I have been wearing it in ponytails so it has not been as noticeable, and with a topper to hide the spots on the top. The ladies in the store said this was meant for me. Not sure yet how comfortable I feel in the cap, and strange to not be able to pull it back in a ponytail or easily get it out of my face. Do they make any wigs that are permanent ponies? ;)

Good luck getting yours thinned tomorrow! I understand about second guessing big purchases!! You will have to post photos sometime.


Well I got my wig thinned yesterday. It was amazing how much hair was in that thing. It feels and looks so much better. I am learning that it is quite the process to get the wig to look good. I am going back again because I think it still needs tweeked. Luckily my stylist is very used to a customer like me and is very empathetic and wants to do whatever she can to make me comfortable. It was very surreal getting a haircut looking at your hair on a styrofoam head. I thought I was a kid again playing with a Barbie head.

Hello, your Jon Renau, it that one HH? What is the upkeep like for that wig? Is it comfortable? Do you have to blow dry or straighten or curl it? I don't even know what happens to a HH wig when you wash it. Is it holding up so far? How often do you wear it ?? Thanks!!

Well actually it was horrible!!! I paid an enormous amount of money for the wig and it was so dry and brittle. They did stand behind their product though so I went back to the salon where they sent it back. I just heard today that it will be in on Thursday. I am very anxious to see if it is any different. They say no one has ever complained about this wig - so I am hoping that I just got a bad one and the next one will be better. My hairdresser said she thinks they stripped too much of the cuticle so that is why is was so brittle. Fingers crossed. I will keep you posted. When I did have it though I washed it with Paul Mitchell Shampoo in the tub and conditioned it like I would my own hair. I blew it dry and flat ironed it.

Oh no! I hope your new one is better. Is this a Jon Renau HH one? What are you wearing now in the in between time? I need to get my HH wig cut in more of a style. I wonder if I go to my hairdresser with it on my head or do I call and find someone who just cuts wigs?

Hope you have a good one soon.

I just bought a HH one with a lace front and I like it but it has been a learning curve!


Mine is a Jon Renau HH wig. I had to get a synthetic one in between and since I wear it 24/7 it is already on its last leg. I went to someone who specializes in wig cutting because they use special thinning shears and she really knew what to do. You can ususally find some resources at your hospital cancer center. That is where I find her. What lace front do you have? Do you wear it all of the time like me? How do you comfortably attach the lace front?

DO you like your Jon Renau HH wig? I really am disappointed in the quality and texture. It is coarse, dry and stiff after a week from wash. Just wanted to know what you did to make yours soft

Hey BMG,

I have a JR synthetic. I can not believe how short a time it lasts. I feel like it is nice for about 3-5 weeks. I love the lace front but I am so tired of synthetic!! Sorry the HH one is not great. Those are pricey too!!

Interesting reading, everyone. About sleeping in a wig, my solution was to buy a sleep cap with hair. It is so much fun, actually...has a comfy band around the head with a mop of curly hair on top of and around the perimeter of the sleep cap. I just hated going to bed and waking up with a "noodle head" look of the knit sleep cap. Perhaps this seems silly, but with all the other crud of this disease, this cap gives me some pleasure. It came from The Wig Company (TWC) and cost fifty dollars. A bit steep but for me worth it. I added up what I spent on hair care for a year and the wigs became rather affordable. Blessings.


I tried to find your sleep cap. Can you give a direct link to it? Thanks



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