
I have just been dignosed with frontal fibrosing alopecia. It was a huge shock as I had noticed the hair receding around my ears but never thought the condition was so bad. The dermatologist was very straight talking and told me it was permanent, serious and would get worse ... I think I stopped listening after this part.

The dematolgist suggested taking the drug Plaquenil but said there were no guarantees but might mean taking for years. I have looked up about the drug and it seems very strong has anyone else been taking this and do you think it helped you.

My family and friends have been kind but I do not tell anyone else as I found they said things like they knew someone with cancer who had lost their hair. I feel very guilty then because cancer is so bad and do not like to say that i still feel sad as it seems I am making a fuss of waht they see is so little. I hope you may have some wise words for me about this please.


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