
I'm new to the site as well as the disease, I'm a 25 yr old male with thick long hair and first noticed a quarter sized bald spot missing from my beard just under my chin about a month ago, which was no big deal. 2 weeks ago I noticed the same thing around the front of my hair and up until now that spot has doubled in size with at least 10 other small spots starting mostly around where my hair parts, the amount of hair I lose daily seems to be increasing. While I'm still rattled that this is happening to me so suddenly and so rapidly I'm fully prepared to shave it in the end, and on that note I do feel for the women who have to deal with this, but first I'm looking to explore all my options. I was hoping to get some opinions on the following uncertainties I'm having, and not to worry I do understand that your opinions may not be the right thing for me so feel free to share anything.

- So the dermatologist I saw wasn't very informative or interested and basically just wanted to give me steroids and get me out the door... I was unsure if I wanted the shots since I knew next to nothing about them so with no delay he prescribed me Topicort, said it probably won't work, and got me out of there... I haven't gone to pay for this treatment as I'm unsurprisingly unenthusiastic about it, so I'm thinking of giving him a call soon to go with the injections instead but I was hoping to get some opinions on which of the 2 treatments should be tried first. Is over 10 spots and counting too much for injections?

- I'm already noticing fuzz all over the large spot (the other spots are too early to tell), my hair tends to grow much faster than most people so I'm hoping that's a good sign. I'm aware of many people stating the fuzz is the beginning of growth but I'm wondering if anyone has experienced no hair growth beyond the fuzz?

- If the fuzz is indeed hair regrowth, and as far as I know the treatments are only to stimulate regrowth, isn't the treatment just pointless or am I missing something there?

- I noticed a small bump directly in the middle of the main spot and there is an almost slight pain when touched and it's kind of itchy. I didn't notice this until after I saw a dermatologist so I missed my chance to ask him about it and he didn't really look at my scalp to notice it. I couldn't really find any info on this and was wondering if anyone has experienced something similar?

- Lastly, I've seen a product called Hair Essentials that is intended for women and all hair loss situations and was looking to see if anyone has tried it. I'd ask someone from their website but of coarse they're paid to tell me it'll work and to buy all of their products, although they do have a money back guarantee so it is interesting. Would something like this be ideal coupled with steroid treatments?

All feedback is immensely appreciated, and hopefully it can help someone else with the same uncertainties too.



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Hi Matt,

Unfortunately, the steroid injections did not work for me (at all) but they do work for some people who had a mild form of the disease. My suggestion would be to go to another dermatologist who may be more experienced with alopecia. I saw three derms and finally liked the third one who I have now stuck with. You need to find a doctor who is experienced and cares about you as a patient.

If you are experiencing severe hair fall, then go for advanced hair loss treatments. Alopecia cannot be cured permanently by steroid injections. Since all the other treatments are less effective for extensive alopecia, hair restoration is the only option , this will help you to grow back hair. I had a hair restoration surgery in Canadian hair transplant centre in Toronto(http://chtc.ca/to volumize my hair. Before opting any treatment method, you have to find and expert to check which treatment is suitable for you. All the best.

Hair restoration is the best treatment option for alopecia, this will help you to grow back hair. 



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