Hey all, I'm very new to this I've being diagnosed with alopecia totalis in February of this year so at age 32 this came as such a shock to me to lose every bit of hair from my body and head. I've tried everything but was told that there isn't anything that really helps. I've got a wig and got my eyebrows microbladed so I feel some bit myself again although I don't think I'll everyone as confident as I used to be, I just wish there was a way to get my eyelashes back I feel so paranoid when talking to people as I think they are looking straight at my eyes thinking what is up with her. Is there anybody here that have found any resolution to the eyelashes? anything to make me look like my old self again.

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Hi, like you I was diagnosed this year at age 32. I've never had anything like this before in my life but it's moving so quickly. Can I ask how long it took for you to lose all your hair? It's been about 3 months since I noticed a bald patch. Since then it has grown so large I almost can't cover it anymore and so many other spots popped up. I am also losing the hair all along myhair line (no genetic baldness in my family) so I was just wondering if that means I'm actually going to lose most or all of my hair? As far as eyelashes, you can get fake ones applied that last a few weeks
The loss of eyelashes is one of the hardest to deal with. I can't get fake ones (strips) on as there is no lashline as a guide. A little too much glue and it can get in your eyes and really burn.

There is some discussion on here about Latisse that you might want to check out.

There are individual lashes that last weeks, but each one has to be glued to one of yours. No lashes - nothing to glue to.

A lot of us just use a lot of eyeliner. A line on top and a line of dots on the bottom. Make sure it is hypoallergenic and waterproof to lessen / avoid other problems that can pop up with your eyes.



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