Hi all, I found this site today and joined immediately.
Looking for any advice you have. I noticed four months ago that I was shedding more hair than normal. About 3 weeks later went for a trim and my hair dresser asked me about the patch on my head. Needless to say, that started this journey. I immediately went to the doctor and dermatologist and diagnosed with Alopecia Areata. It started with two patches on the top/back of my scalp, they grew and joined together so the whole crown area was a loss. I've been doing the injections and Rogaine and have some new growth in those original patches, but now there are two new patches on the back of my head. My hair has really thinned overall, but so far it only appears to be my scalp 4 months into this.

I've been working with a nutritionist and have gone gluten-free, taking vitamins including Biotin, and Iron and Vit D which blood work showed I was low on. I've been wearing hats all the time for about two months now.

Does anyone have any advice on dietary or vitamin regimens that help this? I do have seasonal allergies and asthma but have treated those my whole life, shots as a kid, but just OTC meds today. I do take Singulair for the Asthma.

I'm healthy, happy and reasonable fulfilled in life and find this to be disappointing and inconvenient...I'm realistic, but would love some first hand knowledge.

I guess I'm prepared for a year or so of shedding, is that correct?

Any advice is appreciated!!

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The hormone possible connection is interesting. I have been on estrogen for about ten years now after a total hysterectomy (pre cann
Cerous cells in ovarian cysts while pregnant). I had AA in college when I was 19 or 20. It went away after a few injections. Appeared again at at 46. Hard to tell. It sure is a mysterious disorder!

Hey Saungho, thanks for the note. You're right, this totally sucks. I went to the dermatologist on Thursday for my 4th round of injections. I have a lot of new growth on the original spots, but also a lot of new patches on the back of my head. Every time i comb or especially wash my hair, I get so disheartened. I'm going to a specialist on Tuesday. I'll post what she said.

I have been using Rogaine for over two months...that may account for the new growth so go ahead and try it! But it does take time. I use the extra strength liquid (upon my derm's advice) and the generic brand is fine, a lot less expensive. Give it a shot and good luck!

Welcome! I am sorry that you are going through this as well. Just try to remember that you are NOT alone! There are so many others out there and on this website that will understand. I'm glad you found this website. You will love it. Sorry... I don't have any knowledge about AA. I have AGA and just wanted to say welcome.

thanks for the note, Alliegator! (love it!!!)
I really appreciate the support, and you're right, i feel better seeing all the photos and messages here.

Molly, my advice would be to go ahead and purchase a wig. I waited way to long before I bought one. I think had I bought one when I first started losing my hair, no one would have expected anything. I couldn't afford the injections and didn't want to bother with Rogaine. Just slapping on a wig was so much more convenient for me. They look so good now no one knows you're even wearing one. Good luck!

thanks for the note. I'm going to speak to my stylist about a hair piece this week...;-)

Hi there,
I am new to this site but I have had alopecia for five years now. It started with some patches but now I have Alopecia Universalis--no hair ANYWHERE! I am also gluten intolerant. As far as I know, there aren't any proven vitamins that work on this particular autoimmune disorder, although my cousin (who is into natural health) told me that I should boost up my mineral content by boiling meat bones and making soup. And as for hair growth treatments like Rogaine and Biotin, they don't tend to work because alopecia is not about hair health. It's about the body's immune system attacking the hair follicles. Steroid treatments work temporarily but they have a lot of side effects. Also, there is no way to know what course your hair loss will take.

I totally understand the need to try everything you can, and I understand the need for answers that just aren't out there (at least from what I know). I hope you find something that makes you feel healthy and great--for me it was actually investing in a whole closet full of colorful scarves and big hoop earrings!

hey W,
great photo! thanks for the advice, I should take out stock in various hat companies! I've got a great collection going. any excuse to buy fabulous earrings, right?

I have asthma, eczema, and having a gluten intolerence as well. My husband was doing research on the Singulair I've been taking for over 10years and one side effect was hair loss. I'm not saying that that's what caused my AU 7months ago but..... Did the Rogaine, Steroid Cream, Laser (still doing) and shots and I've seen no results, not encouraging I know.
I went to a Functional Med. Doctor in TX back in Sept who has since put me on mulitple vitamins/supplements. It was found through a blood test I had 25 food sensitivities eggs/dairy/gluten being the highest and a high yeast overgrowth in my gut which has led me to have "leaky gut" syndrome where toxins don't leave the body like they should, instead recirculate which can cause the body to go into an "inflammatory state". These past 4 months I've been good about not eating the foods I'm sensitive too and have found that my eczema and asthma are pretty much at bay without steroid creams or singulair. No, the hair hasen't come back but thats ok, getting used to that in a way. I do feel a change in how my body feels overall though. Stay strong. As you can see there are a lot of people in the same shoes who are here to listen and support you. Let me know if I can help you in anyway.

Hi Molly:

I have been living with various forms of Alopecia for 32 years - 45 and yes, vanity does take a hit!!!! I was just told that this is the age when women re-evaluate their lives - what is important to them. I am very new to this forum and discussing Alopecia with others who are living with it.

I am very fortunate - I have a husband who loves me for ME! I have 2 teenage boys who only know their mom as a woman who has alopecia and wears a wig - I go without when I am home or wear a scarf. Does that make going through this journey any easier - sometimes no. My home is my sanctuary. If the world was to disapear tomorrow, I would still know I have those who love me! I think that is what has kept me sane through all this.

I have done steroid shots, Rogaine, intense dieting and vitamin regimes - it grew back and fell out again.

I live a gluten free-dairy free lifestyle as I have IBS - which there is a correlation between Alopecia and stomach issues......I have had immunology blood work done and am waiting for someone to be able to read the results as the markers are low ( I know, why send for blood work related to something you don't know anything about!)

Perhaps all of us with our own individual research can find something common and take it back to our Physicians and see if we can make a difference.

If one living with alopecia has a supportive network, I feel it makes the world of difference on how we personally deal with it.

Hi P,
thanks so much for the note. I'm finding all of this information interesting and everyone's stories are unique, yet similar.

You are so fortunate to have a loving family...congratulations on a job well done!

Hi Sarah,
interesting on the Singulair. My derm's med guide did not list this as a side effect. I'll do a little more research. My nutritionist talks about leaky gut, her philosophy is that everything starts in the gut. She also recommends the gluten/dairy/sugar free lifestyle as a remedy for allergies, eczema, athsma, ADHD, and a host of other ailments. Feeling better is 90% of this...if your body feels better, your mind feels better and can better handle this. thanks so much for the note, please keep posting about how you're feeling. You're not alone either! ;-)



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