Well just found this site so hoping somebody can help and support me.
Im 34 year young women who in the last month started losing my hair. i was on a drug called azathioprine for severe eczema stated in september and went off it as soon as i started losing my hair. I also take serevent for asthma. I have also had a lot going on in the last 2 years, especially with the past and current earthquakes we are having in christchurch. i find myself always yelling and getting shitty all the time. i just got some extensions so i can add them to a headband, so it covers my baldness at the back. i have been to a hair specialist and she said its alopecha areata, due to stress. So how long does it take to grow back do i get a wig!!! Help me please

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Jen, You should try to see a dermatologist. I remember going through this exact same thing, in my case all of my hair fell out and it didn't come back.
From what I have read, if you just have a small patch, the Dr can inject steroids and this might stop your hair in the area from falling out any more. It usually takes 6 months to a year for things to reverse. At the same time there doesn't seem to be a lot of research in terms of prognosis and so you never really know what will happen.
I chose to get a wig as it helped me cope (I still can't go out in public without it) but that is up to you and how you feel. I also had to go on antidepressants/antianxiety medication for the first year and a half as I found the same thing with my mood. It helped me cope with the changes in my life and to accept the new me! Personally I believe that stress is a huge contributor and it's hard not to freak out when your hair is falling out in clumps!! Just know that things will get better with time and look to your friends and family for support.
Hope this helps!

Hi. Thanks for that. i have seen a dermatologist, and a hair specialist. they dont want to do the treatment as they think its all related to stress. We have found hair growing back all over my head but nothing major. My hair has thinned out majorly so wearing a hat at the moment is all i can do. I did get some hair extensions, but it looks like i have now got heaps of hair where as before i had hair but very fine. so a wig is probably the best option. Thanks

Jen, I am also new to this. I found a bald spot in the front of my head back in October 2011 and went to a derm. I was diagnosed after a biopsy and started cortizone injections right away. They have helped some but my hair continues to fall out and growing back some. I am thinking about getting a wig and cutting off my hair completely. Its scary. I wait day after day and try to be positive that it will go away and my hair will just grow back. I'm starting to give up hope on that. I am also 34. I have had some very stressfull situations the last couple of years which I think triggered it. Honestly I don't even know if I am going to continue the treatments or not. Its so frusterating. I know that my family and friends can not understand and I haven't even told everyone what I've been going through and have isolated myself. I know I need to change that but its hard. Keep in touch maybe we can help eachother.

Angela, I was like you. There's still people I haven't told because then I have to face it. It gets easier everyday though. I find its almost easier to tell a stranger what's wrong than someone I've known for years!
I gave up on treatments after about a year, I would get some growth then something would happen and it would all fall out. That was too much for me so I decided to attempt to accept that I no longer would have hair. Cutting off what was left was another challenge but looking back I'm glad I did it because it helped me move on. Trying the treatments and hoping for growth was too much of a roller coaster for me.

Would love to keep in touch!!!!Its been a bit confusing becausee so many doctors and specialists have different opinions, some say its due to stress then others say stress isnt the cause but a contributing factor. My hair has slowed down in falling out and some bum fluff is starting to grow back.
So did your biopsy hurt, how much did they take, stitches?Not sure if i want to get one done, they have ask me to do one. Hair specialist said not to do the treatments just yet but wait 6 months and see what happens.
I want to know can u get a wig without shaving your head? i play a lot of contact sport, so want one to stay on!!!

Forgot to say. I got hair extensions and sewed it onto a material headband and its great for everyday use, people just think i dyed my hair. Perfect for me now before I decide if i want or neeed to get a wig. Highly recommend this.

I feel the same with the treatments and talking to strangers versus people that are close to me. I kind of look at the treatments like I'm wasting money that I could use for a wig that I will need at some point anyway. Sometimes I just feel like screaming that I have alopecia to get it out there I'm just glad other people understand because at first I just felt like a freak! And I hate now more than anything that I have to brush over my hair and look in the mirror all the time. Do you have any suggestions on a wig? I want to het one about shoulder legnth and dark brown like my normal hair. Also with the steroid injections they leave dents in your scalp. Even though they go away after time its just another stresser and we all know we are trying to get away from that.

I have just come out and told people, they dont care, its just the ones who talk behind my back im worried about. I brought hair extensions and sewed them to a headband and it has worked great, people jsut said yoouve dyed your hair, love it, then i tell them aboout AA and they are shocked cause it didnt look like it. So try that before you get a wig. im going to buy some more off trade me and do a different kind.



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