Hello. I'm 32 and recently diagnosed. I have one spot at the back near my crown. My doctor said it was alopecia immediately but had my bloods done too. My iron level came up high and I have an appointment to discuss my results further in two weeks.
At the moment I am coping ok as it is quite easy to hide. I am scared of it getting worse though.
My bald spot is not completely smooth though, is this normal? Everything I have read describes the spots as smooth and completely hairless.
Thank you for reading.

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Hi there, 

One of the most frustrating parts of this condition is that there are no set answers, so it's impossible to say what's normal. I find it really hard to be reassured, but try to remember that for most people, the hair grows back. I also found that having a plan in case it doesn't is comforting. It's not what I want, but at least it gives me some sense of control.

I was diagnosed in October and am seeing a dermatologist in a couple of weeks time. I'm hoping to get more answers, but from what I have been reading, there probably are no firm answers. Almost immediately after I found my spots I noticed that they were velvety instead of smooth. Now there is actual hair growth. At the same time, I also have new spots forming. So I think it will be a roller coaster ride for a while.

Take your time to work through the emotions and fears. It's normal to feel scared and worried. Keep asking questions, keep talking to people to get to a place where it feel less scary. Some people will be awesome, some will want you "to get over it" sooner than you are ready.

My AA started similarly with one large spot in the back of my head which I easily hid! Went to my dermatologist and got injections and hair grew back! Then a year
later another spot and another and that year was my worst flare up...I had a total of 10 large spots variously located on the side and back of my head. Injections have always worked and all spots were easily hidden. The trauma of losing the hair never changes...it's been 4 years this month since my AA diagnosis...longest I've gone without a new spot is 7-10months with no flare ups but Ive also gone 2-3 months between new spot popping up, usually only 1-2 pop up at a time. There is no method to the AA madness. I've even tried various diets and vitamins but there is no rhyme or reason with this disease!

I'm so used to it now that I just deal with them. Still get injections but I've noticed my hair grows in much slower than it did the first 2 years. My most recent spot started last March and I'm still waiting for all the hair to come in. But I have only had one new spot since then so that's almost a full year with only two small spots! I also haven't been as diligent with my injections since last March. It's costly and painful so this was the first time in almost four years where I haven't gone every 4-6 weeks for my injections. I've gone about every 9-12 weeks. I'm sure the hair would grow much faster if I went more regularly but I'm living life and not letting AA get in the way. If I get another flare up I'll start my 4-6 week regimens again but for now my two spots are manegable. These boards have been a blessing!! The one thing I've learned is my hair or my AA doesn't define me! As hard as it is, there is so much more going on that takes priority over my polka dot head lol. We are all here to support you! Wishing you all the best!!!



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