diagnosed with AA 12 days ago, have a large patch with 2 trying to grow into it on the left side of my head and a patch that is growing behind my ear on the right hand side of my head, also have phsoriasis on my scalp and all looks TERRIBLE , can anyone help me/give me advice??

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Hi Rachel,
You found the best website. I was just diagnosed, too. I'm up to ten patches (as of tonight). What did the dermatologist say about the psoriasis (sp)? I use a steroid cream twice a day. My first patch came out in the beginning of December and is just barely starting to grow back in. I can feel the tiny little hairs. Welcome!
Welcome, Rachel. Many people here have been where you are. Read the profiles and blogs...browse the photos and videos. There are groups and discussions about all aspects of living with AA. You're not alone.
Hi Rachel. I was diagnosed more than 3 decades ago with alopecia areata. That really goes and comes, comes and goes. What did the dermatologist suggest for you? As for the psorasis, I don't have a working knowledge of that. You must see a dermatologist to get some sort of treatment plan. Where do you live? In what city?
Hi Gale. Live in the UK, North Yorkshire, only seen my doctor as that is what we do. If things get worse we get refered to a dermatologist!!
Hi Rachel, Sure. I have a friend who lives in South Yorkshire, in the Rotherham area. She doesn't have alopecia but just had to throw in the comment that I enjoyed my visit there in England greatly. I've had alopecia for over 30 years and have joined a support group here in the US, New York City. I've heard that if you shave your hair the hair often grows back even at a one or two inch level. I never shaved my hair though. I have alopecia totalis (my head is totally bald) but I wear a scarf/bandanna with a tennis hat/cap on top. I have started shaving my head even though no hair is on there just to experiment.
hello gale,
just following this conversation a bit, i see you are trying to experiment with shaving. i have areata, and have been shaving my head for roughly 12 years, and i have had no luck what so ever with new growth. nowadays it almost seems that once the hair grows to peach fuzz length, it stops growing! i do keep it shaved every couple of days, (my daughter thinks it feels nice after i shave!)
Hey Keith, how are you? I've never shaved my head before but someone I know did and the hair came back to thicker than a peach fuzz. This crazy alopecia is so difficult to get a handle on. One can do something and it grows and the other does the exact thing and nothing happens. That's why I exactly kind of stopped treatments and just put on a scarf/bandanna and my tennis cap and went on doing what I had to do. It seemed like the 30+yrs. just ran by. I'm a casual person so wearing a scarf and/or cap was easy living the life that I did and do. I am having motivalional get togethers every month for Alopecians hoping that we can all come together and have a common bond as to what actually makes the hair grow back, plus get togethers are excellent for the mind.
Ive also been recently diagnosed, i dont no if i can help but if you want to cover it like i do then use hats, extensiond or a wig. but if it get worse then it might be better to shave it.. this is just my opinion and i dont no much about it, the best advice i can give you is just do what you would be most comfortable doing, if you ever need to talk :) xx
Hi Sian, at the moment able to use my own hair to cover it, fairly long and in a pony tail!! But for how long, patches merging!! But thanks for your comments xx
Hi Rachel,
Welcome .... alopecia is a tough one because so little is known about autoimmunity. A great book to read for everyone on this site is When The Body Says No by Dr. Gabor Mate. He really explains the psychoneuroimmunology pattern or how our emotions and thoughts affect our nervous system which goes on to affect our physiology. He looks at the source of chronic illness rather than addressing the symptoms, which is what the doctors will do.

My own experience in naturopathy and with alopecia (6 years) has taught me a lot. I am attempting to heal my condition without drugs or meds and welcome you to learn more on my blog www.natural-treatment-for-alopecia.com. I am not selling anything - my focus is to heal this condition naturally and to encourage others to do the same and share their experiences. I wish you the best in turning your condition around - Chris.



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