Does anyone here "recovered" from alopecia after taking prednisone? Or haven't had fallout or only a little fallout after taking prednisone? 

 I took prednisone last february 2017 beacuse of some allergy but i abruptly stopped it. I only took it for 3 days and didn't tapered it down( i know i should've). I lost all my hair within 3 months then I went to another dermatologist and she prescribed prednisone again and took it for 2 months, I grew my hair back, infact it is much thicker than my normal hair. But the last week of september i started to notice that my hair is falling again, I don't know what to do. I don't know where this is going.

I just want to know if any of you guys haven't had any bald spots of didn't lose all their hair again after taking prednisone?

I very much appreciate your replies. Thank you.

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