Being a young bald guy really sucks. 21 with AT is awful. Almost no women are attracted to me, and the ones that are happen to be extremely unattractive and have nothing in common with me.

Call me a narcissist if any of you want, but I hate not being able to date beautiful women. I'm sick of not getting any tinder matches despite using my best photos. I've even bought tinder plus and paid for boosts and STILL nothing. I hate being ugly. It's like I'm invisable to any woman that is considered attractive. Being bald just plain sucks with a capital S. I go to the gym, I have a good style, great hygiene, and and facial hair. It doesn't matter. No hot girl my age is going to go for a bald guy.

Fuck making 50k a year at 21 years old, fuck having my own place, fuck having a nice car none of that shit matters cause I'm ugly as fuck. And if a woman happens to be interested in me, it's always ONLY for a long term relationship so she can use me. I'd rather be a poor schmbag with hair working at a sleazy bar than an established bald guy. Fuck my life. Sorry for all the typos during this vent/rant I typed it on my phone.

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A lot people say that your problem is not your hair, and I agree with them. Seems like you have lack of confidence and paranoia. I like bald boys, but those one, who is not ashamed of being bald. Your appereance should be "one image", you know.

Try wearing a hipster cap, works for me. :-)

hey man, go meet girls out in the world. Alopecia doesn't photograph well and tinder isn't going to be your friend. Just do it the old fashioned way- you'll be fine. Being In shape helps- Alopecia can appear unhealthy/ weak. take care of yourself as best you can and try not to let your frustration show- its unattractive- worse than the alopecia. Also probably go for older women- around 30 they tend to be care a lot less about baldness- it becomes increasingly common. You gotta be comfortable with rejection- more so than other men. One piece of advice I can give you is to treat alopecia like an asshole detector- peoples shitty reactions to it are a more a reflection on them than you. Having enough confidence to manage alopecia is inherently attractive and if you can just roll with it- the situation will improve. 



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