I noticed a small coin sized bald patch underneath my right ear about this time last year. Slowly it has become almost the whole of the back of my head. I will try to add a pic. I understand this pattern is rare. If anyone else has had it, what has been your experience with it? Did it stop or did it turn into totalis? I am worried mine will, but i do know that it'll do what it wants to do and i can't stop it. Thank you.

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Mine started out the same way. A small quarter sized patch that over a few years crept around the nape and lower half of my head. It was not noticeable for years. 4 years ago it all fell out. Please do not be discouraged. I know how you feel. I constantly obsessed about every hair I found and how much was left. How would I deal with it if it did fall out? Who can notice? People will think I'm sick. The worst for me was people would feel sorry for me. Whatever happens to your hair, you will be alright. It will be alright. It doesn't happen over night. Be strong and hope for the best. I am sorry you are going through this experience. I hope for the best for you! Stay strong!

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