I have had AA for a little over a year and have had some regrowth, but even more loss. Right now I have to wear a hat in public, because I am not comfortable with people looking at my patchy balding head. I originally thought the AA was caused by celexa, a SSRI for depression and anxiety I took for 5 years. I decided to stop taking it to see if it would help. No change. I then began injections of corticosteroids from a dermatologist. 6 months later some regrowth, more falling out and now fingertip sized dents all over scalp. Apparently some of dermis atrophying, a potential side effect of injections.
So I switched doctors because of insurance and she thinks I should take oral steroids for 1 month (tapered.) I am wary of the side effects and wonder if it is worth it. I suppose it might be worth trying it for one month, and quitting if side effects are bothersome.
I ordered a wig, and have cabuki,powders, rogaine, extensions, etc. I just want my hair back. Has anyone found a solution? Do naturopaths or acupuncture help? I am willing to try anything, (well almost).

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Hi Dawn, I am going to start my Prednisone treatment next week. I was wondering if you were still having good results and I had a question regarding your dosage. Did you start taking 8 pills a day every day or once a week. Thanks for updating, I am starting to get a little nervous, but I think I will feel better once I have started.

Hi Dawn, I also was under the care of Dr. Donovan, with good results almost total regrowth from AU. Since his practice has closed it is hard to find a Doctor that will be as aggressive with treatment...end result have lost more than half of regrowth. Question is how have you been since his practice closed and have you found a dermatologist willing to work with treatment plan?

hi elizabeth, i wanted to see dr donovan too and he had a message on his website that he was going to see patients for hair loss in july, but i checked today and that message has been removed. i think he works for the cleveland clinic in toronto too but you have to pay a fee for that.

Check out the latest research regarding "Pulse Corticosteroid Therapy Long Term Outcome After 10 Years" at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22964518.

A full article can be accessed for free by most dermatologists. I did not know until I asked for a copy.

I think an important thing to note is that everyone is different. My doctor did mention that the more hair you have, the more likely you are to have regrowth...with any treatment really. I didn't have tons of hair when I started the prednisone, however; my AA has been very cyclical and I have always grown my hair back. I have only ever had one full regrowth however, but I think this is why I have been more successful with treatment.

My doctor just put me on prednisone because I am broken out all over with poisen ivy. I've never heard that it would make your hair grow. This is the first day I've been on it, but I can tell you this afternoon that after eating breakfast, and lunch, I am still hungry. I really don't want to take it, but I will just be on it for a couple of weeks to help get rid of the poisen ivy. It will be interesting to see if my hair does start coming back in. Even it it did, I wouldn't take prednisone because of the side effects. I'll just keep on wearing my wigs and hoping some day, I'll be comfortable enough to go out in public with scarves or even better, completely bald.

i have been flirting with the idea of using Prednisone but with reading what people say about it here i've became absolutely terrified! All drugs have side effects. And not all people experience them. As fate would have it, i had to go to the hospital with respiratory issues and the doctor prescribed prednisone. Just for about a month. As bekindtoearth said, i've accepted being bald for the rest of my life, but if there's something out there that might work without serious health complications, i'd like to know that i've explored that option. I have 80% hairloss and I do have a lot of vellus hair on my head everywhere else. I'd like to see for myself if Prednisone does anything for me. Note: i've also just started minoxidil 5% (rogain)to see if i can get the vellus hair to turn terminal.

Good luck and hoping that since you have to take Prednisone for another illness, that this may help your hair loss. I've always heard that Rogain does work (my dr. prescribed it for me), but I never took it. It is expensive when you're on a social security income and I've heard once you stop using it, all the hair that resulted from the use of Rogain goes away. I'm not trying to be negative about Rogain, just quoting what I've heard others say and even my own dr. admitted it. His said his wife took Rogain, but then again, if I were a dr.'s wife, I could afford it. Again, best of luck to you with the Prednisone and Rogain. Keep us posted.

Rogaine is affordable at costco, fyi. I have been using minoxidil 5% for a few months, I am terrible at remembering to apply twice a day, but haven't noticed any signifigant regrowth (maybe if I use it more diligently). I use a different brand, maybe I will try to use the Rogaine again to see if it has different results.
p.s. I had never heard of Alopecia until I started losing hair. It amazes me how many people suffer/live with this odd, annoying and challenging disease. I keep wanting to figure out what caused it, and how to cure it. I must learn to accept I may never know exactly what was the cause, so I just have to focus on accepting that I may not have hair the way I want for the rest of my life (or any hair for that matter), and I need to work on accepting how I look.

Rose, unfortunately, we don't have a Costco near my hometown. Hoping that the minoxidil will work for you--maybe it is just too soon yet. I am like you--I am amazed at how many people have never heard of Alopecia until they got it--me included. It's amazing they can put a man on the moon, but no one can figure out how to grow hair.

I thought women are not supposed to use the 5%, which is all they sell at Costco. I am afraid to use it on my daughter, who is only 12 (as of tomorrow).



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