
I live in Ottawa, Ontario and have had alopecia areata for the past ten years, give or take. I am 29 years old. It has never really bothered me much (except when I get them in really hard to hide areas - I am pretty into my hair/aesthetics.) Lately the pains you get when the hair is about to fall out gives me anxiety. I think it's that "No! Not again! How can I stop it? Oh my gosh my hair feels so weird. I wish I could stop it - this is so frustrating! I will never look like a normal person!" feeling. I think I just need to be more pro-active about it - is there any studies being done I can help out in in some way? What can I do to make my having this annoying condition a positive thing? How can I help research advance in this?

Thanks for any advice/help you can give me! :)


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Thank you - looking forward to it.  Take care.



A friend of mine, who also has a form of alopecia, and myself decided to meet the first Wednesday of every month at 7 pm at the Hazeldean Mall in Kanata, in front of the Second Cup Coffee Shop. :)  Anyone and everyone is welcome!  The purpose is just to exchange information, support each other, and talk or listen.

I hope you can join us.  We are just starting this so I will try and spread the word and hope this grows.

By the way, I ordered a wig from wigs.com.  It looks pretty good, specially for the price. Thanks for the tip.

See you then.


Hi, I just saw your post about a meeting last week in Kanata for Ottawa people with Alopecia.  I hope it went well!  

My 23 year old daughter is just in the process of having a diagnosis and we live in Ottawa.  Over the past 1.5 months she has lost all of her scalp hair and now her eyebrows and eyelashes are falling as well.  We have bought a few wigs and she is working through this difficult time.   We dealt with Maureen Strirrmatter who runs Love Your Hair - her business is out of her home and new, just a few months old.  A dermatologist my daughter saw a few weeks ago diagnosed Telogen Effluvium; however we now think that is incorrect so are waiting to see her again.  I am looking forward to let her know about your group and maybe she would feel comfortable to attend the next meeting, assuming you are planning to meet again?  I think it would be SO beneficial to connect. Is anyone aware of any particular dermatologists in the Ottawa area (or Toronto/Montreal) that specialise in this?



We are meeting tonight! You did not miss it! . I would love to meet you in person if you can make it.  



I had my dates all mixed up :)  Sorry couldn't make it as both of us had commitments that night and, as well, she is also not sure if she is ready just yet, and so many appts these days.  It is all so new and ... she has yet to have a formal diagnosis, still waiting for that, hoping for another Derm appt sooner than the March 26 booking. Have made calls again this past week. 

I hope your meet up went well!  Will keep my eye on this board :)


Hi. It was a miserable night weather wise so just my friend and I showed up. We had a nice chat over a warm cup of tea.  We will try it over the next 4 to 6 months and see how it goes.  I have learned so much in the last few months, it is incredible.  The idea is to help each other out.

See you next month maybe.

I will be at a table with my small pink notebook.


I was going to go too but the weather did not co-operate!  Hopefully next month will be better.



We are meeting March 7, as per schedule, 1st Wednesday of every month, at Second Cup in the Hazeldean Mall.  I will be at a large table in front of Second Cup, and will have a small pale pink notebook.  This is informal and open to everyone.  The intent is to share information and help support each other.

See you then!


I won't be able to make it tonight as my husband has to go out and our 2nd car is out of commission right now.  Hopefully I'll get there in April!



No worries. April 4th is the next one! :)




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