Hey everyone...Im hoping to get a passport...Does anyone know if I am able to wear a scarf for the photo? Can you guys share your passport experiences? That is all. THankyou. Love to you all from Perth, Western Australia where it is raining which is good because our dam levels are at 22%!!!

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Hi there. I wore a scarf for my picture. I was also told that I needed a "medical excuse" for wearing it. Although I was annoyed I had to do it, it was pretty easy. I just called my doctor, and she wrote a prescription saying as much, and I attached it with my passport renewal information. It wasn't questioned, and I received my passport without delay. Good luck.
Great info to know..I wouldn't have thought about it! Note to self: renew my passport. (Mine expired)
Like I told someone on here some while back, paint a face on the back of your head then walk backwards through passport control.... confuses the L out of 'em ;)
My passport rarely matches the way I look at the airport. My Clear card has a bald look. The passport has a long wig. Doesn't matter. I might be wearing a wig of a different color, scarf, hat or bald. Agents are trained to look at your eyes and match your eyes to the passport photo which is why you'll always be asked to take off sunglasses and why the agent will take a little extra time looking directly at you if you have eyeglasses which can sometimes make it harder to see the shape of your eyes.

One of the best ways I know to test the reality that no one else in line in the airport cares a bit about how you look is to go through the TSA line with your hat or scarf on and then take it off, casually toss it in the bin before your bin goes through screening and put it back on when you get through. Try it and you'll see how much easier life becomes.
I was able to wear a hat for my Passport Photo, after going through a process where I had to obtain a referral from my Primary Care Physician explaining that the need for my hat was a medical one....I didnt have any trouble other than that...
I think I'll try to get a doctor's note and bring along an alternate head-covering in case they won't let me wear my wig...thanks for doing the research for me! : )
In most cities you;ll walk through security with a wig on and no questions asked. If you try to wear a head covering, TSA has the authority if they believe that something could be concealed in it, to ask you to remove it. The bulkier the head-wrap the more likely you;ll be asked to remove it or have a secondary pat down with a female agent who may also ask to see the head-wrap unwrapped.

Wigs are pretty common and don't cause much attention. If you don't want to fly with a wig on all day, bring a box to carry it and switch over to a head-wrap or other covering once you pass security.
What they don't know won't bother them. I've had a passport since I was a teenager and just wore a wig each time I got/renewed it--I've been a blonde, redhead, and brunette. No one ever questioned me about my hair. People change their hair color all the time and/or wear wigs when they travel. Save the time of getting a medical note. Happy Travels!
I wore the wig that I always wear. I don't think they noticed because they didn't say anything, neither did I :)



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