People who were at NAAF Convention - please post descriptions and comments!

I'm looking forward to attending my first NAAF convention in Los Angeles next year, but in the meantime, could those of you who attended in Indianapolis this year please post some descriptions about it? I'm curious what the schedule was like, what events there were, what you did, what the atmosphere was like, and were there specific gatherings of Alopecia World members? How many days and nights are events scheduled?

Please share the experience. Your comments will be greatly appreciated!


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So, Mary...are you thinking of doing a dance workshop? If so, sign me up! you speak Russian?
Well, I am a folk dance teacher, and I can also teach East Coast Swing - we could have some fun with that! I also teach and play drums. A bald drum circle would be neat, but people would have to bring drums and that would be hard.

I do speak Russian. It was my undergrad degree, and I've tried to keep it up.

Were you at NAAF?
Haven't been to NAAF since 2000. I am planning for 2011. Would love to meet you!



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