Has anyone had success or been really happy with anyone in the Southeastern part of PA to have permanent eyebrows done? I'm still considering having them done even though I have seen the pros and cons. I noticed several of the sites do not show their work or want non-refundable consultations (if you decided not to commit to having them do a procedure.) I also notice in a lot of pictures of the ones that do that the eyebrows are so dark and don't look very natural either. I'm looking for a softer, natural look. I've lost all my eyebrows for some time now and have tried the following alternatives: the semi-permanent tattoos come off on my pillows (I tend to sleep on my stomach or side, so they end up rubbing off) and they don't last as long as advertised, the harsh pool chemicals or salt water seem to make them break down also, and I've had people tell me my eyebrows are coming off--how embarrassing is that! I did not think they looked all that natural--the ones that were suppose to look like hair just melded into a solid color, etc. I've also tried pencils and better brand brow powders with gel (the later of which seems to look the best) however, they are also time consuming, I seldom match them up evenly so one eyebrow tends to be higher than the other, and they also come off easily and I have to redo them. I also once bought a pair of those "real hair" brows you glue on and they looked to unnatural and bushy--maybe I'm just to use to not having so much hair there anymore. The mesh the hairs were applied to were so thick and visible. Not at all like the lace wig fabric. So I'm still thinking of going with a more permanent solution. I just want to go with someone very experienced and who does a natural looking job. Any suggestions? Thanks.

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