Hi everyone, yesterday it's been a month since I take part in the clinical trial Pfizer NCT03732807, I still don't see any progress. Do any of you know after what time I can expect results? I will add that one of the tablets tastes different so I think I have some medicine.
How's the trial going. From the evidence I've seen is you start noticing some results by week 8. Any side effects?
Do you have a link to the source that shows that the results are visible up to week 8?
can anyone share experiences with the above-mentioned drug?
Hi nexoo, sent you friend request. I am on the trial, no side effects, slightly better nails but nothing else. Maybe I am on placebo. How about you?
Hi, in the middle of June it's been six months since I started my examination. Completely zero improvement, most likely I have a placebo or too low dose because many of the study participants have a significant regrowth. After six months, all participants receive a 50mg dose. How much time have you had since starting the test?
About 3 months, so discouraged. Was hoping for better results. I think I am on placebo or low dose as well. Hopefully after six months on 50 mg we can see more
Hi! I am on the dosage trial for the drug mentioned in the link above CTP-543. I was totalis. I started in august 2018 getting 24g/day. I have 95% regrowth. I have had alopecia on and off for about 20 years. One of the nurses said my growth was a bit slower than others but I saw growth at about week 10 (but still was shedding a bit) and it spread slowly over the next year or so. The trial is closed now but I am on the extension so will get the drug until it comes to market. I am hopeful that this drug will work for most. I used xeljanz for 18 months and had some regrowth but then shedding after 8 months and it all came out again. I never got above the 10mg/day on xeljanz and perhaps that is why I didn't see better results. No side effects for me in blood work or that I could detect... I am also ophiasis pattern so sides are STUBBORN but back has filled in nicely. Still wearing head coverings bc i am vain LOL) and am not comfortable with how it looks, but i have no doubt that my coverage would be good enough for many. Happy to answer any other questions you may have. there is a CTP-543 thread here somewhere, so you may get more responses and info (links to trial) there.
I've been in the trial for CTP-543 since Jan 2019 on the 12mg bid with 100% regrowth from having AU for about 3 months and AA prior to that. I discontinued due to side effects of multiple infections, but the worse of it is coming off of the drug. I've had the worse rebound withdrawal in terms of full body ezcema including scalp and face. Now I have eczema in areas like my face and various areas of my body that previously did not have. I wish i knew this would be this adverse withdrawal symptoms, apparently ruxolitinib in its normal use has a tapering schedule and even with that has 92% pruritis itching of cases coming off of the drug. I hope these are considerations that are taken into account and shared with patients in the future. Basically, there is a potential of systemic inflammation of your entire body and there should be attention given to this. I think the focus is solely on hair regrowth/fall but not much on other impacts the drug could have on other areas of the body.
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