Hello People!
I’m new and excited / relieved to have found this website and others. I’ve read a lot of stories, blogs, others living with various types of alopecia, but never anything like this website. This is good!
I’m a single father, professional photographer and filmmaker. From my early 20's I had rounds of AA, usually legs, arms, and chest areas, which grew back on average 6-12 months later. I had a major life event that caused me a lot of stress, which long story gave my AA to an upgrade of AU.
In my professional life, I went from being in front of the camera to behind the camera after AU left me hairless and in hiding. I’m really good at not allowing my personal stress in life bother or show to others, which of course I learned is not healthy. I live the grief cycle and recognize when it’s coming and going, so I have a grip on it for the most part and have control.
Love is the darkest corner in my life, and while I’m hungry to love and be loved, I don’t see it happening. My kids (8 and 12) are at an age they’ve been wanting me to date and be happy in this area… So that makes my situation tough as well. The frustration about dating is that AU becomes a topic of fascination, and “Can I see?” Then there is the sympathy dates - oof! I have friends, colleagues, and family, but as I said the lack of a relationship has been a growing darkness in my day to day life.
Like I said, I’m happy to see an active community of people here on Alopecia World!
Look forward to being part of this community.
Ohcrikey, I'll come at you straight. I have had AU for about 25 years and of course our AU is going to come up at some point on a date. Most women catch on fairly quickly that something is off. If they just flat out call you out on it, then she is most likely not the one for you. If she asks on the second or third date that is just normal plus you are on a second or third date which is a pretty good sign she is into you. Just be confident about it and the rest of everything else that makes you-you. If you are a respectable person/father/man that knows how to treat a woman, then AU will not stand in your way of finding love.
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