Hi,  I have just joined the forum tonight after reading many a post over the past few weeks.  I started with areata 8 months ago.  lost all hair on head, eyelashes and eyebrows and some body hair.  However hair on head started to come through as white baby hair approx 2 month ago.   Have been on prednisolone for 6 weeks and am now on 5mg for one more week.   Seeing doctor next week who may put me on methoxotrate and prednisolone if he thinks I have had a good reaction from prednisolone (have grown some eyebrows and eyelashes appear to be starting to grow).   

Has anyone been on prednisolone and methoxotrate together and if so, what have been side effects, results etc.?

I have recently been experiencing calf pain since being on 5mg pred.  Anyone else had this side effect?


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I'm sorry I can't help your with your enquiry, but I would suggest asking the doctor all the questions you have posed here.  Good luck with everything. :)




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