hey all,
i'm new to this website, but have found it incredibly encouraging to know that i'm not alone. i was diagnosed w/ aa end of this past july and sadly, have found my aa progressing worse. i lost my entire right eyebrow and now in the process of losing the other (is there anything that can be done to prevent my other eyebrow from further loss or do i have to watch it all fall out again...). however, one thing i noticed was my missing eyebrow has "white hair." i was curious on how the process of growing (if, and hopefully soon) new normal hair occurs? does the white hair just naturally fall off and new healthy pigmented eyebrow hair grows underneath? for those that have experienced eyebrow growth, how did it happen for you? also, i was prescribed elidel, but i'm terrified of using it because of its black box warning, has anyone had any success w/ it? or any success w/ alternative medicine?
also, i read that stress can make alopecia worse, does that include even physical stress like exercise? i registered for a marathon and have been 3 months into my training, where now, i'm thinking about withdrawing for fear that i might exacerbate my condition.
sorry for all these questions, i'm trying to understand aa more, and hopefully w/ more understanding, i'll begin to accept these changes i now face.
thanks for taking the time to read and post. =)