I've only worn synthetic monofilament wigs.

For lace front wigs: do they all have lace in the front that you have to cut, or do they ever arrive "ready to wear"? I might venture out and try a lace wig if I know better what to expect.

I'm still confused about why they send it to you with the lace uncut. Why don't the manufacturers just cut it for us?


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They come to you uncut, Aimee. You have to take little sharp scissors and carefully trim the lace back. Human Hair wigs come with more lace to cut back. Also, they come unstyled. Now if you are taking about synthetic lace fronts, there really isn't much to cut back on those. Piece of cake!

I would say that it depends, but like Lexi mentioned... if you are talking about synthetic lace front wigs, some of them come as what they call "ready to wear". You can put it on and go. I've had a few of them. Two that I had were made by Gabor. They are very realistic and comfortable. There are all types of lace fronts available. You could get the kind that you have to use tape/adhesive, and trim the lace back. However, if you don't want that, they aren't all like that. I believe most of the synthetic wig brands make them "ready to wear" now.
Here is an example of one that I have worn:



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