Hello Everyone! I was just wondering if anyone out there has experienced very quick regrowth. My daughter is 7 and has had AA for just over a year. At first she lost 20% of her hair but it started to grow back within 6 months or so. She now continues to get spots on her head, but regrowth on these new spots will start to happen in about a week or so. The turn-around seems amazingly fast. I was just wondering if anyone else has had this happen as well. I am so grateful that it is happening like this, but I just can't figure out what the difference is from when it first started to now. Thanks! Have a Happy St. Patrick's Day!


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Hi Melani, when I was younger and had just patchy AA, sometimes my spots would grow back just as fast as they fell out...awesome for me then! IMO it doesn't mean anything specific, just the luck of the draw. Hope for the best for her! I am 33 now with totalis, so best not to read into any behaviors AA exhibits. It will just drive you nuts :) Your little girl is precious by the way!!!
I can't help but think that she is learning to manage her stress differently as she matures or perhaps whatever was a problem for her internally before is now not perceived as being as stressful as it was before. Can you identify something that might be triggering her alopecia (it could be something very subtle)? It is great that her body wants to heal itself so quickly!



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