I will post pictures later - husband has some strange way on his computer.

Three days ago, a family member noticed a pretty large asymmetrical bald spot on my almost six year olds son's head. It occurred in a matter of days (perhaps three). The spot looks identical to a lot of your pictures on here. It is completely bald and smooth to the touch. I am pretty sure he has alopecia. His hair is a bit coarse as well. It is a strange texture but people said it's just typical thick hair. Perhaps it's something else but the patches really look identical to yours. My son doesn't pull his hair. I don't think he has been through a lot of stress. This did occur during our visit with family members but he seemed to be having fun. He doesn't have ringworm.

The strange thing is that I have been losing my hair as well (35 years old) and noticed it about a month ago. I think it has been happening for a while now but I just noticed it (before this happened to my son). It is more like male pattern thinness combined with slightly excessive hair in other places where men get it as they become older. Endocrinologist thinks that it is an androgen issue than may not show up on testosterone tests (mine is normal). In a few days I will be taking a pill to help with that along with those "rogaine" pills (forgot the technical name). I went to the endocrinologist regarding this only 1 1/2 ago again before I noticed this with my son - probably before he even had it.

It's so strange that my son is now having patches of baldness and I am having hair loss. Very strange. There is no history of Alopecia.

I am taking my son to a dermatologist NP tomorrow (impossible to see the doctor on first appt). I am hoping for answers

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Hi Elaine, take a deep breath and as hard as it try to relax. I am glad you are able to get your son to a doctor. Don't make any assumptions until your son can be seen by a doctor. My 7 yr old has this condition and it does not run in my family. However, alopecia is auto immune and other auto immune diseases run in my family. If you son does have alopecia they will likely prescribe topical cream to try. But, keep in mind that there is no cure for Alopecia and it this condition remains a mystery to medical professionals. There are things that can be tried to regrow the hair, but with alopeica the hair follicles are dormant can the hair can regrow at any time. Goodl luck with finding answers to your situation as well. You found the right place for support. Cindy
I am actually doing alright. Nate was dx today with Alopecia. Four people ended up in my room while the doctor talked with me about it. We were being a little cryptic because we didn't want to alarm Nate. They ended up giving him steriod shots. Nate laughed through the whole thing.

When the doctor told me that it was autoimmune, I couldn't believe it. Autoimmune also runs in my family on my mom's side - significantly.

The office has another boy, age four, who has lost all of his hair. If Nate's condition does become worse, we will connect so our son's will feel like they are not alone. I am so glad to find this group!! On this website, I saw that there are camps for kids. Again, if Nate's condition worsens he will probably attend.

I keep telling Nate that his hair looks really cool. He likes that. I will always reinforce that. He wants to grow his hair very long to put it in a mowhawk. I will let him do it. We don't know what will happen to his hair so in the meantime I will let him have his hair long - within reason.

The reason why I am not taking this as hard is because of this website. If I never found it, I will be a mess right now.



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