Hello everyone:
I am a 54 male. I have experienced AA since I was 40, and the spots used to disappear easily with cortisone injections and minoxydil twice a day. However, four years ago, I noticed two spots above each of my ears which were impossible to recover with the injections and minoxydil.
One year ago, the spots above the ears expanded and, lately, the bald area has expanded like 3 inches above my ears. Now it is getting harder to cover it.
Yesterday, a dermatologist diagnosed that I had AA Ophiasis. He is recommending a three-month treatment based on cortisone (dexametasone 4 mg, twice a week , dermovate cream twice a day on affected areas, and simvastatin twice a day).
I have experienced eczema in the past and the withdrawal from cortisone creams (after only one week of use) has been complicated. I am concerned with the consequences that this treatment may have on my defenses and other organs.
Has anybody experienced anything with this kind of treatments? I am seriously thinking in shaving my head and be done with it.
have you ever had an allergy test? I did finally. Never thought I was allergic to anything. Turns out I had an egg intolerance. The doctor told me to stop eating eggs, so I did and all of my hair came back.
thank you for your reply. I was about to get one, but since I was having a cortisone cream treatment, the lab advised me to wait one month after I finish.
Okay. Yes get one. It won't hurt. This is what happened to me. I have an egg white intolerance, not an allergy because my numbers are really low .07 on a scale up to 100. So it could have been easily missed but my doctor luckily paid attention. I went and had an allergy test ran and my whole life I didn't know that I was allergic to anything. Well it turns out that I had an egg white intolerance so it is causing inflammation on my scalp and causing my hair to fall out. I went to about 20 different doctors including dermatologist and they all said that it was alopecia areata without doing any tests. I finally went to a small-town doctor and they ran an allergy test and said that I was intolerant to egg whites. Well I was eating cartons of egg whites every week not knowing that I was intolerant because I had no other symptoms. I had no stomach problems I didn't get nauseous I had zero other symptoms. So I quit eating egg whites and all of my hair and immediately came back. It took about 4 months to get it back to it's original state, but here I am with a full head of hair and absolutely no loss, been growing hair for 9 months no problems since cutting out eggs. Anyway I came back hoping I could help at least one person. This helped me.
You're welcome! I hope you find the answer!
Hi Michelle:
I have been on the recommended diet for one month. After how many months did you start to notice an improvement on your condition?
Your doctor is just seeing the money he will make from seeing you for all of this. It won't help. My kind, our kind, of alopecia is more rare and the hair seldom comes back. Shave and move on with your life. Keep your money in your pocket.
Egg whites? lol
You're wrong. Look it up. Food intolerances can cause these problems. My doctor doesn't want money she wanted a solution. I actually haven't had to go back to see her because all of my hair came back after I stopped eating the eggs. So she didn't need money she wanted to help me and now I don't have to go to any doctors.
Also I came back to this website to tell people what helped me. I know that every person is different. But somehow I'm still getting backlash from you when I'm just trying to help people. If you don't believe the egg whites can be a problem that's your opinion and you're entitled to it but that is what worked for me. I noticed on your profile most of your responses and replies to blogs have been negative so it is not unexpected that you would reply to me that way. I am not a quitter I wanted to find the answer so I'm glad that I didn't shave my head and give up.
Hi - Thanks for sharing this, it's very helpful, and I'm really glad that you isolated the reason for your hair loss. What type of doctor did you end up seeing? An allergist? I've just recently changed primary care doctors and go back in July to have her do a physical, and can't get in to see my dermatologist until August, but maybe I should be checking into allergists instead!
I just went to a family doctor in my small town. I had been to all of the other specialist, dermatologist, hematologist, immunologist Etc. None of them helped me or suggested an allergy test. The family doctor that I finally went to is the only one that suggested the allergy test and was able to help.
Hi! Thanks very much and sorry that you had to repeat yourself (just saw all your previous posts:)> It's a shame because it seems like we are the ones that need to make the suggestions to our doctors on who to see. I've seen 3 derms, an endocrinologist and a rheumatologist. Early this year I started thinking that maybe I was allergic to my synthyroid and I asked the endocrinologist and my primary care doctor to switch me to Armor and they said that they would not, but I could look around and see if I could find a Dr that would. All doctor's say it's alopecia, but offer no other suggestions. It's so frustrating. I found some immune allergists that take my insurance, so I'm going to go down that road and see where it takes me. Thanks again for sharing your experience!
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