My two year lost all of his hair it grew back and he lost it again. It is in the regrowth stage now. It is white with a slow turn to getting thicker and darker. I also noticed his body hair getting darker. He never lost his body hair I jut see more and more of it coming in. He sheds a hair or two every once in awhile but right now his whole head is covered with about a half an inch of white hair. Y questions is has anyone ever experinced complete regrowth he lost about 95 percent of his scalp hair. If you did experince regrowth how long does it take to turn and look like normal hair? Has anyone ever heard of a child having a problem with alopecia and then growing out of it? Or is this going to be a life long fight? I am just so scared to be hopeful because this disease seems so unrelenting.

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Hi Heather, my name is Constance and my daughter was diagnosed with A.A at 16 months old. Her hair begin to shed aggressively Feb. 2012. It was coming out at such a rapid pace, I thought by her second birthday, she would be completely bald (her birthday is in October). Her doctor treated her with Rogaine and a topical steroid in March 2012. Keri cont'd to lose hair, and at our 1 month follow up, her doctor recommended more more drastic treatment. I decided to continue with the rogaine a little longer. In April, Keri went totally bald and lost her eyebrows. I kept with the Rogaine and steroid twice a day, and in May her hair begin to grow back. It grew back in patches, however it grew in thick and dark. By her second birthday, she had total regrowth. It was short and I couldnt put it in a ponytail, but her scalp was completely covered. By her third birthday, she had ponytails. So we did go completely bald to total regrowth in 3 months. Initally, I was just willing to accept what was happening. But as a spiritual woman I decided that Would fight. Im never going to stop fighting for her. Even if she loses her hair again...I will continue to fight. I refuse to allow this disease to defeat me or Keri. Within the 1st year I was always wondering if her hair was going to fall out and all the research says that it eventually will. But I refuse to worry and meditate on uncertainty and fear. Ive decided to overcome by feeding my faith and starving my fears...I encourage you to do the same.

Thanks for sharing consonance. What kind of rogaine & how often did she use  it and how often did she get the shots? Did her eyebrows grow back? I would like to avoid the shots if it at possible because I did not like them previously. Best of luck to you and your daughter! 

Hi Jason. Keri was only treated with 5% liquid Rogaine and a steroid cream. She used it eveyday day, in the morning then again before bed.We did this starting in Mar.2012-Dec.2012.She never got injections, although her doctor did recommend it.Her eyebrows also grew bk. They grew bk before her scalp hair.

Hi Keri's Mommy.   May I know the name brand of the steriod you used for your daughter? Im just wondering if we should change from what we are currently using Fluocinonide to what you used for your daughter.


I have a 22 month old with AA, immediately became Totalis in scalp two months after she was initially diagnosed at 14 mos old.   We have been doing the Rogaine 2% and Floucinonide 5%.  The rogaine started a month ago only after the Pedia Derma convinced us to also try it with the streoid.   We started the steroid last Sept.  She has more baby fuzzy hair in scalp but we think it will really take awhile.  Her eye brows and lashes have fully grown back but they are still in blond white color.  She has body hair as well.


She is also on gluten-free diet, probiotic and multi vitamins to strengthen her immune system. 


Thank you very much.



Regina McGee

the hair can definitely grow back. my recommendation is to keep him as healthy as possible for the immune system to balance out and stay away from the hair follicle like it's currently doing. U need to keep inflammation down (poor diet, stress, no sleep, etc.) best of luck



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