I'm experiencing unprecedented regrowth, and want to hear about your similar experiences. I have had AU for almost 4 years now, first onset being in my mid-thirties. Possibly there was a link between my stressful job and the hair loss -- I've been away from that situation now for almost a full 3 years. I've been using turmeric (golden paste - supposedly good for anti-inflammation) in the past few months and that's all I've been doing differently than normal. I have tried about everything for varying periods of time over the last few years!

I now have patches of thick, dark hair coming in all over my head, (not connected...yet?) and I'm growing eyelashes and a bit of body hair here and there. I know from reading, not to be too optimistic or get attached, as it comes and goes. But this is something I haven't seen before, and it's all coming in at once. 

What are your experiences with regrowth and AU? 

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I need to try what your doing. I don't if I can live without coke,lol!!!

Would you mind sharing what tumeric supplement and anti-inflammatory supplement you are using?

Currently 31 and my 1st spot is a few inches with lot of small spots coming in. My scalp is sensitive. Curiuos what diet you have been taking or is just the probiots and turmeric supplements? Also did you stop drinking alcohol?

We're new to the world of AA, so I didn't know it was related to digestive issues, as I'm reading here.  But it makes sense.  My son has battled chronic constipation since he was a year old, and we've never understood why.  Maybe it's related to this?  

Quite possibly... (I'm not a dr.) but it would be worth investigating the relationship there.

That's some encouraging news. I have been taking a teaspoon of turmeric with milk every evening for the past few days. But I started taking turmeric for its weight loss benefits. I have male pattern hair loss. Now I believe the turmeric should also help with my hair loss. How do you think turmeric is helping with the hair loss? I have been doing quite a bit of research on hair loss all these years but don't remember coming across turmeric being a potent hair regrowth ingredient. 

I honestly don't know for sure that it is connected specifically to hair loss. Some of the research I've seen claims it is beneficial for inflammation. Alopecia is an auto-immune disorder and from what I've read, all auto-immune disorders are linked to inflammation. A friend suggested it because she has had good outcome using it for rosacea, another skin condition. Mixing and cooking it with a pure oil and black pepper makes it absorb better. Here's the recipe:http://deeprootsathome.com/how-to-make-use-turmeric-golden-paste/

good luck!

I have AA right now (30) and sinse i was 6, and AU for 5 years before. The only thing that helps — sun & sea, so i don't think your way can solve the problem.

I agree about the sun. I find my hair grows very well in Summer 

My son is turning 14 and has been AU for 3 plus years.  It came during a stressful period in his life.  We are meeting with Dr. King and looking to try Xljanez.  Congrats on your regrowth. 

Dr King is an amazing Dr and so compassionate... Best of luck.. I am certain that you will love him.

Thank you and best of luck to your son!



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