I'm experiencing unprecedented regrowth, and want to hear about your similar experiences. I have had AU for almost 4 years now, first onset being in my mid-thirties. Possibly there was a link between my stressful job and the hair loss -- I've been away from that situation now for almost a full 3 years. I've been using turmeric (golden paste - supposedly good for anti-inflammation) in the past few months and that's all I've been doing differently than normal. I have tried about everything for varying periods of time over the last few years!

I now have patches of thick, dark hair coming in all over my head, (not connected...yet?) and I'm growing eyelashes and a bit of body hair here and there. I know from reading, not to be too optimistic or get attached, as it comes and goes. But this is something I haven't seen before, and it's all coming in at once. 

What are your experiences with regrowth and AU? 

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Hi Molly,

What fantastic news about your regrowth!!! 

I've had AU since I was 13 (I'm now 36) and at the start my parents tried all sorts of 'wacky' treatments with no effect. I'm very interested to start trying turmeric and may buy some capsules to start taking. 

The people who have been taking probiotics - do you have a particular brand that you are using or do you think any type would be ok? Obviously there are a hundred to choose from.

It's so strange, all the partners I've had and all of my friends say they can't imagine me with hair and I'm comfortable with the fact that I'm bald, but every time I hear something like Molly's story, my hopes pick up and I wonder.....could I grow back a full head of hair....? 

I'm no Dr but I've read that turmeric needs to be cooked with a pure oil and black pepper to aid its absorption in your system. I don't know what's in the capsules but someone else on here said they had taken them for a long time and hadn't seen any regrowth.

I'm with you - though it's only been about 4 years, I've adjusted my self-image/identity to accept this and now it's odd re-adjusting! But I'll take it :) Who knows if it'll stay - I'll just keep doing what I'm doing :)

hi , this is very interesting as i too am experiencing all wot u describe , after 4 yrs au!! :) i have been putting a 1/4 of a teaspoon in my food most day's for pain relief (wich it does help a bit, so i carry on with it for this) ...cant do more ..such as golden milk as gives me a headache so i stick to jus a bit . its been months but now im gettin a few eylashes :D bit all over head very sparce and 1 armpit n other places haha ...didnt think it may b termeric and was jus thinking lastnight ...usually it wud fall out again but this is persistent!! wow more turmeric for me it does reduce my fibro pain but now im goin to have it Every single day !! good luck and thanks for sharing xx 

p.s non on legs , dont wana get it back ther haha ...almost 4ght it was coming back because i got used to having no hair! now n wud find it a nusance in some ways lol lol 

Cool! I never lost my armpit hair.... really it's kinda insulting after losing EVERYTHING else on my body, then to have to shave armpits! Haha. But I am seeing body hair elsewhere as well. I'm most pleased with the eyelashes as I've missed giving butterfly kisses to my kiddos.

Hi. What wonderful testimony! My son age 10 has AU, started 4 years ago, and his hair also started growing a few months ago. He has had white fuzzy hair growth in the past, but this time it's REAL brown hair. His head is now covered and his eye lashes have also started growing again. parts of his body also starting to show some hair. This has been over a period of about 6 months, but we are still cautiously excited. It's good to hear though that it DOES happen, as we were told if it doesn't regrow within 6 months, he will never have hair.

My daughter, age 12years, has now developed AA, and shes loosing hair rapidly! Her brother "handled" the whole hair-loss issue much better than her and she is very worried! So we will definitely  be trying the probiotics and turmeric!

Thanks for sharing!

Read up on it,  I would say just be cautious and adjust dosage for kids. I'm sure there's a lot of good info out there with more specifics.

That's funny about being told it wouldn't grow back if it didn't in 6 mo. I was told the same thing, and here it is nearly 4 years later :) Real brown hair! Yay! Fingers crossed, good luck to y'all!

I have had AU for 3 years. Regrowth started for me January 2015. By July I quit wearing a wig, still had bald patches but could cover them with a scarf or headband. I'm now almost completely covered, still a few bare areas but can cover them (as long as I stay out of wind) :) My stress situation which I thought caused my AU was pretty much the same, the only thing different was my attitude toward it. Several other life events happened in Jan-Feb 2015 that brought much joy into my life, don't know if that is what encouraged regrowth or not. So frustrating to not be able to tell what the cause/cure is. I did start taking an iodine supplement which may have helped.

I am trying to not be too attached since I know for some it comes and goes, but it's been a year sine regrowth started and no signs of losing it at this point.

How old are you? This is interesting. I feel like the later onset AU may be more related to stress as it seems to occur in childhood for many.

I also agree that joy is great medicine :) I get to dance and be around good people as part of my job now, so that is helping too, I'm sure!

I'm 60 now, was 56 when I started losing my hair. It has been quite the interesting journey.
Are you taking the pasta internally or are you using it on your scalp?

So far, just internally, but it may also help topically - may as well give it a shot, if you don't mind being yellow!

Hi Molly, thanks for your quick reply. This is something I will really try.




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