There is research relating autoimune disease, inflamation, and vitamin D deficiencies may all be related and infact a direct result of small intracellular bacteria that are thought to be the root cause of autoimmune illness.the cliff notes version is small intracellular bacterium invade the nuclei of many of the bodies cells over time
causing inflammation and chronic other words the invading bacteria stop the body from being able to properly regulate the vitamin d which in its active form is used to fight off bacterium,pathagins amongst other things as well, They release substances that stop the VDR (a intracellular hormone receptor which is resposible for activating vitamin d within the body turns out there is the active form and non active form of vitamin d the microbes confuse the vdr receptors and vitamin d stays on all the time doesnt shut down builds up in the body.

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This is interesting from one point of view. Vitamin D is something you automatically get when you got outstide, so most people dont have a deficiency. Those who do are usually house bound, or dont get out in the sun very much.
please read my links below the marshal protocal theory explains that vitamin D defficiency is due to microbial pathegens theses pathogens can hijack the cells responsible for assiting white blood cells in doing there duties correctly thus reaking havok within our bodies ,they attack the wrong parts of the body release toxins meant to kill invaders and cause inflamation within our bodies causing autoimune responses read up on Phagocytical cells and white blood cells , and there duties responsibilities within our bodies and then read the marshal protocal. I am not saying start radical antibiotic treatment like Marshal Prtocal suggests or keep 100% away from vitamin D but to consider the possibilities of this theory and at least start on a journey twards a may organic type diet more sleep rest prayer time drink plenty of water as we comprise 65% of water and become well oxyginated as batteria ,pathogens can not survive in a well oxyginated blood environment. hope this info helps in some way.
this is interesting considering i'm vitamin d deficient and have alopecia areata. my endocrinologist suggested me to take 2000 i.u. for the first month then 1000 i.u. the following month to raise my vitamin d. but after reading this it makes me curious whether i should continue or discontinue my vitamin d supplements.
I dont hAVE ANY REAL ANSWERES either but i also found the research very interesting, it never hurts to speak to your doc about the research and maybe print it out and have your doc read it see what they think i personally do take vitamin D but not neartly in the dosage amounts that docs would like me too, they wanted me to take 50,000 iu once a week i'am taking less than half of that my reasoning is, if that theory is correct i would effectivly be promoting more inflamation but on the other hand i do need vitamin D so I am compramising and taking smaller dosages and paying close attention to my body to see if changes are occuring for worse or better also i am attempting to change diet more vegan type diet very hard to do though, sleep more drink much more and find time to pray in peace all in attemps to reoxyginate my body as microbial pathogens desease ect.. cant live long in well oxyginated environments as ive read, you might also be interested in reading info at total health institute just google total health institute and read all Dr. nemics valuble info. its good stuff
More evidence is accumulating that more vitamin D is better for you and I believe more doctors are on board with this trend. I have not seen any peer reviewed studies on the Marshal Protocol, but then it is always a good idea to keep an eye out for any new research or a change in opinion among researchers and doctors.

Vitamin D is interesting because it is not a vitamin at all but a hormone, or prohormone.

And apparently increasing the Vitamin D intake also helps with or increases your immune system.
This is very interesting. I do think there is a strong possibility that it is mircobacterial. I've read recent studies about even after certain viruses or bacteria are thought to be erradicated in the body, their dna and cellular traces can remain. Undetectable but still upsetting the balance of the body. And I think the progression of AA to AU is very in line with a mounting immune response that it stands to reason, is not out of the blue.

Most people ARE vitamin D deficient actually, that is well studied. I was astounded to learn I was Vitamin D deficient even after taking 3000 UI a day for a year! The doctor wanted to test and I said, no its not possible Im deficient, and low and below I was at 22 or something. I immediately started 5000 UI a day and I immediately went into full remission of a serious bout of AA. I was in remission for almost 6 months, then it started again, and this time, a year later it progressed to AU.

I am going to look into this some more. I think very highly of Vitamin D based on the latest research and would be hesitant to stop taking it for general health, but I did see a tie in to the disease (though it was productive) and its the only direct cause and effect treatment, aside from kenalog shots, that I can point to in 20 years.

Can they not test for the inactive state of Vit D3?
In the British Medical Journal, there is a study that looks at the connection between Vitamin D deficiency and colon cancer in Europe. The study also happened to catch a connection between vitamin A and D. It appears that Vitamin A, even in low quantities negates the benefits of Vitamin D to reduce colon cancer.
I am not familiar with the Marshall Protocol theory, but I do agree that many of us are Vitamin D deficient. I now live in Canada and my alopecia has gone from areata to totalis and I have always found it to be worse in winter. I went to a seminar recently that said Canadians, because of our lack of winter sunshine, need much higher Vitamin D intake than say, someone living in Florida. I am taking between 5000 and 8000 iu at the moment and my hair is recovering (from totalis with eyebrow loss).

However, I think you are more on to the solution when you suggest changing your lifestyle. I started a macrobiotic diet in Australia and had dramatic changes in my hair recovery, but there were other factors as well. Please see my story at I am convinced that alopecia is reversible and I really think that you are on to something here, George. My instinct tells me it is more than a bacterial invasion, though. Medical science wants to explain it that way and we want to put the responsibility on an external source, but I think it has more to do with oxygenating (certainly in my case) and a healthy lifestyle. I would be more than happy to openly discuss my experience with you. I realize that a lot of what has caused my autoimmune problems started with an unhealthy view of life, although I had no idea that this was the case because I have always been an 'upbeat and positive' person.

I would love to see this and other autoimmune conditions erradicated. By being really honest about our lives and sharing our ideas, we might be able to heal ourselves. I am not willing to wait for someone to come up with a magic cure so I am doing everything I can myself to turn this condition around.



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