My son was diagnosed with Alopecia Areata when he was 1&1/2 years old. Three years have past and I have accepted this fact of life. But I saw a little patch on my 3 year old daughter's head and just broke down. I accepted my son's thinking he can shave his head or do whatever he wants as he grows up. So far it has not bothered him, kids his age do not notice these things nor do they comment. But I see little girls who are ordinary having so much trouble accepting themselves in this world, how can a little girl with Alopecia survive? I am so terrified at this stage. I cannot express my feelings. I only want happy children, and self image is so important. I give love and attention to them but it's when they step out in the real world where I am scared for how they will react.

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hi, i so dont blame you for your feelings. and im sure many "young" alopecians will answer this. i developed au as an adult, but i used to be a support person for naaf. i got to speak to soooo many people who developed alopecia as a child.
the majority of them felt it made them stronger. many years ago, on an alopecia listserv a question was asked. if there was a pill that you could take tomorrow, a pill that had NO side effects and all your hair grew back...BUT...the minute you took it you lost everything that you learned about yourself via alopecia, would you take it??? the overwhelming answer among those who had it since youth was..............No!!! my husband an i decided to have kids in spite of them possibly getting this. all we really want as parents is for our kids to grow strong, no matter what comes their way. if their getting alopecia results in this, then no matter what , our kids would be fine. and there are ways to deal with alopecia in schools. i have done this and it works. hopefully other parents will answer this, but know, this can work!! just look at the beautiful faces here.
Hi My name is Jen and my daughter Hailey started in 08' got better than in 09 came back except for the underneath. Then this past jan it started again she gets shot that seem to slow it down. Being a 12 year old and in 7th graade kids are so mean!! I do and our family do everything we can to keep her strong. It is so hard and I dont knw why they can't figure out something to help this?? It is very hard not to be mad..... I am glad I found this site it does help to hear others. Thanks Jen
So many say that they will not be affected by others. But growing up and being around kids these days, I know you will have alot of bullying going around. Even if it's not toward the hair loss I'm sure something else can trigger my child to take it out on his/her alopecia. I even spoke to the principal who told me that I should not worry about it and that he will be fine. Guess what! I do worry about it, alot! Maybe no kids are saying anything now but as they grow things can go either way!
Yes exactly some boy remembered last year when my daughters hair was alot worse. and he said you know you still have a bals spt in the back my daughter wanted to cry. asked the teacher to go to the bathroom and she said no. I was so andry. I callled the teacher and dicussed the bathroom rule with her and that maybe not all kids just go in there to play or miss class. I wanted to call the boys parents so bad. but I didn;t know if that weas right either.thanks



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