I was feeling tired Friday as I headed home and thought about cancelling the dinner I had planned with my daughter Angie and her husband Nate but decided I would go since I hadn’t really seen them recently. We began the process of making this delicious gluten-free batter that we were going to use on some shrimp and onion rings. Angie had tried the recipe and was excited to share it with me. The prep was long as we stood there peeling all the shrimp, cutting onions and we even made our own horseradish which we weren’t sure was turning out the way it should. I noticed that while peeling the shrimp I felt a little extra tired but just chalked it up to a busy week. During this process we had also drank two GF beers and were looking forward to our evening. As we began our first batch of onion rings we realized they were sticking to the bottom on the pan and were talking about switching to her Fry Daddy. It was about this time that began to feel loopy and at first though “Man that beer is really getting to me”. I started to feel clammy felt I needed to sit on the couch for a moment and by the time I sat down on the couch I was now feeling very sweaty and incoherent. I told Angie I wasn’t feeling very good and asked if she could bring me a glass of water (I felt like I stumbled on my words just to get them out). THEN I started feeling faint and thought to myself I need to put this glass down because I wasn’t feeling so good. Angie was still in the kitchen attempting to pour the already hot oil from the first pan into the Fry Daddy. ALL THE SUDDEN Angie said she heard a “THUMP” and as she looked over she could see I had passed out. My daughter (thank goodness a registered nurse) said she worked hard to wake me, sitting me up and shaking me and even slapping me a few times. She thought I had awaken but then passed out again. I only remember waking once and this would be the second time and I awoke to my daughter over top of me and in a firm voice demanding I wake up. I was very disorientated and very weak. I felt like I was barely hanging on. Angie was asking me all these questions and trying to keep me from fainting again when I realized I couldn’t talk, I couldn’t move my arms and I couldn’t move my legs, I was sweating profusely and my hearing was limited, I was dead weight. I wanted to fall asleep and felt a huge pull to do so. I just kept staring at my daughter hoping she would realize I couldn’t answer her. I was scared to death. I really felt like this was it, I was going to die. My daughter said she kept yelling at me to breathe although I don’t remember. My breath was very shallow and I kept forgetting to breathe. I felt like I was drifting, like I was in a different place, floating. My daughter said I was extremely pale and not coherent. I began to have random thoughts like “Is this it”? I asked myself, “I can’t believe I am 3 ½ years off from paying off my house”, “This is it”? “Am I going to die”? Random, I know… My daughter later said my breathing was so shallow and she was not able to register a blood pressure on me and my pulse was weak. She called 911. I was so worried about my daughter and was finally able to mutter in very slurred speech that I could not talk or move. I was taken to emergency where I finally after about an hour or so being at the hospital started to regain the movement of my arms, legs and speech. Apparently they ran all kinds of tests on me. I remember the blood nurse having a hard time taking blood from me because my blood pressure was so low. I was diagnosed with Syncope but they could not find a cause as all my tests came back normal. Scary stuff!

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Wow. Maybe some sensitivities are related to alopecia. I found out the hard way, at three important events, that cocktail shrimp, alcohol and I do not mix well: massive vomiting until weak, within an hour after eating and drinking (actually, the cocktail stuff was first, so I got sick during the MEAL in some cases. Now, no more shrimp and only one-two glasses of red wine!). Maybe check into what your stomach was doing with the food and alcohol you had on an empty stomach. Here's some info on Syncope:

NINDS Syncope Information Page
Synonym(s): Fainting

Table of Contents (click to jump to sections)
What is Syncope?
Is there any treatment?
What is the prognosis?
What research is being done?
Clinical Trials
Additional resources from MedlinePlus

What is Syncope?

Syncope is a medical term used to describe a temporary loss of consciousness due to the sudden decline of blood flow to the brain. Syncope is commonly called fainting or “passing out.” If an individual is about to faint, he or she will feel dizzy, lightheaded, or nauseous and their field of vision may “white out” or “black out.” The skin may be cold and clammy. The person drops to the floor as he or she loses consciousness. After fainting, an individual may be unconscious for a minute or two, but will revive and slowly return to normal. Syncope can occur in otherwise healthy people and affects all age groups, but occurs more often in the elderly.

There are several types of syncope. Vasovagal syncope usually has an easily identified triggering event such as emotional stress, trauma, pain, the sight of blood, or prolonged standing. Carotid sinus syncope happens because of constriction of the carotid artery in the neck and can occur after turning the head, while shaving, or when wearing a tight collar. Situational syncope happens during urination, defecation, coughing, or as a result of gastrointestinal stimulation. Syncope can also be a symptom of heart disease or abnormalities that create an uneven heart rate or rhythm that temporarily affect blood volume and its distribution in the body. Syncope isn’t normally a primary sign of a neurological disorder, but it may indicate an increased risk for neurologic disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), diabetic neuropathy, and other types of neuropathy. Certain classes of drugs are associated with an increased risk of syncope, including diuretics, calcium antagonists, ACE inhibitors, nitrates, antipsychotics, antihistamines, levodopa, narcotics, and alcohol.

Is there any treatment?

The immediate treatment for an individual who has fainted involves checking first to see if their airway is open and they are breathing. The person should remain lying down for at least 10-15 minutes, preferably in a cool and quiet space. If this isn’t possible, have the individual sit forward and lower their head below their shoulders and between their knees. Ice or cold water in a cup is refreshing. For individuals who have problems with chronic fainting spells, therapy should focus on recognizing the triggers and learning techniques to keep from fainting. At the appearance of warning signs such as lightheadedness, nausea, or cold and clammy skin, counter-pressure maneuvers that involve gripping fingers into a fist, tensing the arms, and crossing the legs or squeezing the thighs together can be used to ward off a fainting spell. If fainting spells occur often without a triggering event, syncope may be a sign of an underlying heart disease.

What is the prognosis?

Syncope is a dramatic event and can be life-threatening if not treated properly. Generally, however, people recover completely within minutes to hours. If syncope is symptomatic of an underlying condition, then the prognosis will reflect the course of the disorder.

What research is being done?

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) and other institutes of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) conduct research related to syncope in laboratories at the NIH and support additional research through grants to major medical institutions across the country. Much of this research focuses on finding better ways to prevent and treat syncope.

NIH Patient Recruitment for Syncope Clinical Trials
At NIH Clinical Center
Throughout the U.S. and Worldwide
NINDS Clinical Trials

Column1 Column2
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)
National Institutes of Health, DHHS
31 Center Drive, Rm. 4A21 MSC 2480
Bethesda, MD 20892-2480
Tel: 301-592-8573/240-629-3255 (TTY) Recorded Info: 800-575-WELL (-9355)

Prepared by:
Office of Communications and Public Liaison
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD 20892

NINDS health-related material is provided for information purposes only and does not necessarily represent endorsement by or an official position of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke or any other Federal agency. Advice on the treatment or care of an individual patient should be obtained through consultation with a physician who has examined that patient or is familiar with that patient's medical history.

All NINDS-prepared information is in the public domain and may be freely copied. Credit to the NINDS or the NIH is appreciated.

Last updated October 4, 2011



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