In April of this year my hairdresser found a spot above my left year... measured about 3cm by 2cm... the spot progressed to about 7.5cm by 5cm but then started to fill in.  Currently I have about 75% of the spot covered in hair.  Two days ago I found another spot... this time on the top of my head.   This spot is much smaller - less than a dime right now but I am so scared this will grow like my other did.

Has anyone else had this experience where one spot finally decided to grow and another spot shows up?  Does it mean I can count on this second spot growing large too?  Does this mean I am going to progress to total scalp loss?  Very scared and hoping someone can share encouraging stories

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The problem with alopecia is that it is extremely diverse, everyone has it differently. If it's small I would definitely look into getting cortisone shots because the smaller it is, the easier it is to treat. Cortisone shots for me worked well on spots that were only a dime in size. It seems like your form of alopecia grows back on its own, which you are very lucky for. So do not stress out too much, it won't help!

As long as you stay on top of things and treat them while they are small, your treatment has a great chance of success (according to my experience), and considering your spot has re growth without treatment is a very good sign.



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