
My 14 year old daughter has been dealing with Alopecia off and on for 4 years. Started with a couple of dime sized patches at her temples. This grew back and has gotten a little worse each year. Last fall it has really started falling out. About 80 % is gone and only a small part in the back of her head has hair. We have been to the dermatologist and she has been on steroids and cortisone shots. This has worked in the past, but not now. We are in a Northern Climate and have had a horrible winter. Hopefully the warmer weather will help her. She has been wearing a wig to school.

She is very active and plays soccer. I would like to find out if anyone has tried sewing hair pieces into headbands? I have some friends who are good at sewing I was looking for recommendations/help for where to buy and tips for sewing them in. I would like this to be pulled into her remaining ponytail and cover up the bald spot on the top of her head.

Any tips would be much appreciated!

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