Can anyone recommend a good shampoo for washing your bald head with? I find that my head gets really greasy, is breaking out and getting very sore. I have been wearing my Freedom wig for a couple months now, so this may be part of getting these sore bumps. If anyone could recommend a could shampoo to help with the relief of my sore head, I would greatly appreciate it!



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I found that shampoo, which is meant to "de-gunk" hair, was too harsh for my scalp. I use the same stuff on my head that I use on my face. It's a mild facial cleanser with no SLS, triclosan, or petro-chemicals. About twice per week I'll exfoliate with a facial sponge or scrub.

I do the same with moisturizer, i.e. what goes on my face, goes on my head.

While I do shave everyday, I don't every wear a wig at all, so I can't say for sure that this is what keeps me bump free.
Hi, I use: Aveeno Baby Soothing Relief Creamy Wash, Fragrance Free.
You can find it in the baby section at Target, or in supermarkets also.
There are a couple of scents, and I use the unscented one. I find that anything scented makes my scalp burn.



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