AA started for me in 2009. I lost most of my hair and it also diffused. I've been wearing scarves and hats since 2009. Today I'm able to wear my hair out. The spots are covered now, but not as thick as the rest of my hair. It's growing but very slow. I have been keeping it cut close to my scalp and it's been growing back without problems. The area that I cut is the area which was not affect my A.A. The AA is still active, because I did get another small spot, but not completely bald. I felt some burning in the area, were the new spot appreared. There is no unusually amount of hair lost during washing. I have been paying close attention on maintaining a low stress level. For the past 5 months I been taking: primrose evening pills, fish oil, B- complex, biotin and a multi vitamin. I've been on top of my protein intake. I changed my shampoo and conditioner to Nature's Gate, which is a sulfate free shampoo. I read the hair usually grows back in the order it fell out, this has been the case for me. When I felt I was getting a common cold I was on top of it immediately, by taking extra vitamins C, echinacea, zinc and cod liver oil. My thoughts are I must get and keep my immune system strong.

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Thank you for sharing this. My positive vibes your way.
Thank you EBJB and my positive vibes your way. :-)
Hi Angie. I lost all my hair on top of my head 6 months ago. Having shaved my entire head 3 months ago in order to secure best application of a 15% rogaine/minoxidil program, I can confirm it grows back in the exact way it fell out, just its in reverse as the hair is growing back instead. I notice you are concerned about your stress levels. Dont. This condition has nothing to do with stress. When I was stressed out of my mind with exams, girlfriends even deaths in the family I had a full head of hair. When I was calm and unstressed Alopecia comes along to mess up everything.
Thank you Bibby for the reply. Stress is a sub factor of A.A. Stress effects our immune system and AA starts from the immune system. So I think that our stress level must stay intact in order to strengthen our immune system.
Who knows maybe your right, maybe it's only the genes. Is your hair still improving? Do you take any supplements or special diet. Remember our hair grows from the inside out.
I lost ALL my hair and I really think it was 100% caused by stress. Even though I may have the "AU" gene in me, I really think stress triggered it off. I have tried to be thankful for alopecia and recognize it was either AU or maybe something worse (i.e. heart attack) if I didn't reduce the stress. Alopeica has taught me that my body can not handle un-necessary anxiety and now I believe if I keep stress +/- 1 on the stress scale, my hair will return. So far I can say it is coming back! I lost it all in Feb/ March and today in July I see mini-hairs all on my arms, my head is full of fuzz and long random white hairs. Granted I am on treatment and I too am taking loads of Vitamin D (at least 3000 IU), Iron (300mg/day) and Vitamin B12, I think its the stress.

Keep it up. I think for those who lost their hair because of stress need to keep the stress down. On the other hand, who knows, it is our genes that will be the end decider for this disease but we can control some things... Are you on any other treatments?
Hi again Angie.
Its true alright to say who knows at the end of the day. I know that I lost my hair first at age 8 and hear also cases where 6 month old babies also develop the condition, therefore I dont understand how it can be stress levels that associate with the developmentof AA, AU etc because at this age children dont even know the concept of stress. That said certain thought similar to what we associate with stress paterns could trigger the condition within the immune system of which have yet to be researched. I am delighted to hear you are showing signs of regrowth. It sounds like you and I are at about the same level of regrowth as I only recently feel more confident venturing out without baseball caps. My diffuse hair is closing in around the sides so I sould be fully regrown within a few months. My treatments are only 15% minoxidil with no PG twice a day. When I get my next hairloss cycle (usually every 9-12 months) I intend to take out very big guns in the form of DPCP and some meds. Keep up the fight Angie. Cheers for now.
Hi Bibby!

I totally agree that it is "in the genes" but I think for some, we have it "in our genes" but we simply set it on fire by increasing our stress levels to such an tolerable level that the body attacked. I think that means it is not as dominant as others (ie. babies).
I am not ready to go without a scarf or something (hat) on my head. Good for you for having the courage. What is PG? I am on DPCP and have some interesting times with it... I was prescribed such a high dose I ended up in the ER and on oxycodone. Now I react to even the lowest amount so I am now having to manually mix myself (with gloves, syringes etc) acetone with the DPCP to lower its concentration. My doctor trusts me maybe too much to send me home with biohazard bags! haha
I do it now 2x per week and just get an itch. Before I had blisters the side of craters!
Let me know how it goes!
Hi Tam
Wow, I had no idea that someone could self administer the DPCP. I believe you are very brave to be taking on that responsibilty. My level of the condition is patchy AA which effects my entire head only. As you put it the "fire" is ignited at strange times and I could loose 30%-60% of my hair but it is always grown back within 9 months. I wounder would this patchy form of the condition be appropriately treated with DPCP. To answer your question, PG is and allergent in normal minoxidil and this drives me crazy with flaking and itching so I ensure NO PG in the minoxidil making it easier to longterm use. Can I enquire, did your doctor tell you that the use of DPCP would STOP the hair loss shed while you are taking it ? i.e can it alter the fall out "ignite" period ?



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