Hi guys,
Because it’s alopecia areata awareness month, I like to both promote awareness and bring attention to this auto-immune disease, by treating myself to a new wig. Even though I bought a new wig, I’ve had to get a new stylist as my previous one no longer lives here in North Carolina.

My new stylist is Sherrie Mitchell, and it was my friend Amy Goodman Love is who I have to thank for me becoming a client of Sherrie. What makes this story so interesting is how Amy got involved in all of this. She just popped up a few weeks ago on Face Book, asking if I’d “friend” her. I of course did, even though we hadn’t seen each other since high school. Not only does Amy “get” why I like being both bald or wigged, she went along for moral support when I went to Sherrie for the firs time.

I chose my newest wig because of the color (being on sale didn’t hurt either). Back in the day when I first started working with women with alopecia areata, my most popular wig was light auburn, and even some of the people in my family who weren’t wild about me wearing wigs (big smile), liked that particular wig. My female friends threw a “coming out red” party, and gave me an “official looking” document that stated my natural hair color is light autumn, and they even changed my name. Instead of “Larry”, I was now “Ginger.” It was meant to be funny, but somehow, it took on a life of it’s own. When I was introduced to someone, it often went like this: “Hi Susan, this is my friend, Ginger; Ginger this is Susan.” (Rolling eyes). Part of me really likes being called Ginger by my female friends. Amy calls me that now and I like it . . . a lot!

Sherrie and I really hit it off, and because she’s also a Christian she was very interested in the college project/ministry I had working with people with alopecia.

Here are some photos of me having natural light auburn hair. As for the style, it’s based on a look Paul McCartney had in the early ‘70s – hey, I like retro – so get over yourselves!

Sometimes you need to share the good things and blessings that happen to you, as well as the bad things. I wanted to share my “triple blessing” – I got a new stylist, a reunion with a wonderful friend, and have light auburn locks again! If I couldn’t share this, I would burst!

God bless,

Ginger (or Larry)

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Nice it looks great on you.

Thank you.

Looking good! :) 

Thank you.

Ginger (or Larry)

Nice haircut bro!



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