Hi everyone,

I'm hoping someone can help me. I just received my freedom wig, which I love but I'm having some trouble. I have to have my head cleanly shaven for it to fit right. Unfortunately for me, I have hair that groes pretty quickly but not enough good hair which is why I wear wigs. Has anyone had their head professionally waxed? Does the growth come back slower than if you were to shave it? I can shave it every day but it's a time issue. My scalp is also very sensitive. Does anyone have any recommendations on what I can do? I'm in San Diego so I hope to find something close.

Also, do you have to have a lot of growth to have it waxed? I can't really let my hair grow out to have it waxed and be able to keep wearing my freedom piece.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated....


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I use headblade.com products. Shaves closer than a razor on a long handle because it's designed to follow round surfaces. So the shave lasts longer because it's closer. You can go quite fast with just a little practice. You cover more area quickly because your have greater sensory feedback where you just did the last pass.

With a face shaver used on the head, your hand is up in the air and you have little feedback and it slows you down. Nicks are common as is missing spots and having to redo. This may not make complete sense until you try it and experience the difference.


My daughter wears a Freedom hairpiece and at the moment has about 85% regrowth (she still feels her hairline and other areas of her hairgrowth are not cosmetically suitable to grow her hair out), so she uses a mans electric shaver. You know the sort with three circular cutting surfaces. This works well for her as its not fuss and easy to use(sort of like massaging her head in the morning lol)

I don't know if I would recommend waxing as this may hurt the follicles of your hair and if your alopecia was to go into remission it may interfere with possible full regrowth.

I hope that helps.


(I also know people that use the headblade - as Thea has suggested - and this also works very well).
So happy for news of the regrowth and hope for much more!

For emergency touch ups I've grabbed husband's elec shaver, but it was not designed to be turned upside down. Even when emptied regularly there are always shavings lurking in there that will sprinkle down on your head.

Has anyone found a model/manuf where this happens less?


Hi Thea

I don't think this happens with the shaver Libby uses. The brand is phillishave coolskin (we bought it for her a couple of years ago now). It can be used in the shower, (so wet or dry), the heads, blades etc are easially removed to wash every morning.

Hope that helps.

Thanks for all the recommendations...I'm got a headblade and I'm going to give it a try. I have some major irritation going on so I'm waiting for that to clear up. I had 3 sets of hair transplants about 6 years ago and on and around my scar, it is very sensitive...uggg.. I really hope I can get this under control so it doesn't interfere with me wearing my new freedom piece..I'll keep you posted and thanks again!!!
MY husband shaves his head every other day. He tried the headblade, but said he found it awkward to use. He says he finds it easier to use his Gillete Fusion razor.

Have you found that you can shave your head at night and then still be able to wear the Freedom wig the next day? Or does it have to be done in the morning? I think I'd like to shower at night if I get the Freedom Wig.
It's nice there's something for everyone and every kind of hand size. I love the headblade. Most of all for how tiny and light it is for travel and that I have never nicked myself, the shave is extremely close,I go three times as fast as with any other. For me there's a big difference in the control of the blade when your hand is up in the air versus caressing your head. Kinesthetic thing. It's totally by feel. You never need to look at what you're doing. By comparison , when I use a conventional razor handle I really can't feel where the blade is on my head so it's more wobbly and insecure which leads to missing spots and possibly nicks.

You can shave at night. The amount of growth overnight won't make a difference for a vacuum wig.




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