I was just diagnosed with AA in May. I've had intralesional corticosteroid treatment in my bald spot two times, 4 weeks apart. After both treatments, I came down with some nasty bugs 1-1.5 weeks later (strep throat the first time, something else the second time). I never get sick--I can't remember the last time I had a fever and felt rotten like that. My dermatologist insists it's a coincidence, but my dad (a pediatrician) says that steroids can suppress the immune system, and it's possible that I am just very sensitive to them. I'd like to know if this is as unusual as the dermatologist seems to think it is. I have started to have hair re-growth, but I'm thinking of stopping the treatment--it's just not worth it, to be sick for a week out of every month. I'd rather just wear a hat! Thanks for your input.

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Hi Emily,
I tried that treatment about 20 years ago, I’m sure the drugs and methods may have changed since then but back then no I did not get sick but back then for a teenager in my 1st job I found it expensive to have to go to the dermo plus the treatment was hard to maintain financially and I found that once the injections stopped the hair just fell out so for me it was just paying for hair, my bald spot was the back of my head which I could generally keep hidden so I thought it wasn't worth it. After that I tried Minoxidil and back then this was very expensive too and there was only one place in Melbourne where I could get it which was right across the other side of town about an hours drive, I would have to order it especially with one particular pharmacist who made up the special lotion for me but I found this messy to use, I was more worried about being able to see the white stuff on my head than the baldness so I would only use it when I could stay at home and not be seen, again tho if I stopped using it the little hair it did grow for me would just fall out.
I am now trying Prednisone tablets, have done a 10 week course of that and so far so good and now I’m on Sulfasalazine, both of these supposedly effect your immune system and I have been taking them right through the beginning of the change in season here in Australia when Flu is abundant but I have been fine so far fingers crossed. But my hair is still growing great guns in all my bald spots so I’m wrapped! I am usually the sort of person that is sensitive to different drugs but in this case my body is responding well.
Thank you for your detailed response! I am so glad to hear you are finally having success with your treatment.
Hello Emily,

I’ve had several cortico treatments and get sick after each one. How sick I get is usually based on how much medicine given, if its interlesional I will start to suffer from allergies and if it’s intramuscularly I will get flu like symptoms 4 to 5 weeks later. Best thing to do if you do get any more treatments is to take a multi vitamin (if your not tacking one now) and do what you can to help your immune system with the extra stress it’s under. The whole point of the steroid is to suppress your immune system. I had the same argument with a dermatologist when I first got AU. Hope this Helps!
Thank you for sharing--I will have to get myself a multivitamin.
Hi Emily, Many years ago I endured the same kind of treatment for my AA. My only results was weight gain, a sore scalp and no new hair. So, I quit and bought an expensive human hair system and began living. My story is on hairconnectiontoday.com if you care to read it. Good luck, Dr. Bernice Williams



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