Hey Kyree, I can relate. I got alopecia in my junior year of high school and lost my eyelashes/eyebrows my freshman year of college. I felt like a freak and sometimes still feel like one now. It gets me frustrated but now I learning to seek God and tell Him what it is that I want. I am still finding it hard to accept this/cope because I feel like every other young girl has their hair/eyebrows/eyelashes but I came across a bible verse one day " Laazarus's sickness will not end in death. No, it happened for the glory of God so that the Son of God will receive glory from this" ( John 11:4)So you see this happened for a reason. I'm here to talk whenever u feel like it :-)
Hi, I wanted to reach out to you and say, yes God will help you get through the tough times. I have to give kudos to Alopecia World, I don't come on here as often as I use to BUT this site help me through some tough times. Many ppl here encouraged me to see my Alopecia differently, SO THANK YOU ALOPECIA WORLD!!! Kyree I can't say I totally understand where you are right now as a Junior am old enough to be your mom, so I'm only going to say, "it does get easier, don't give up on yourself, you are beautiful with or without." One of the things I did when I lost my eyebrows is I got them tatoo, It's been 2yrs now and I still love my eyebrows. I use brown eyeliner on both bottom & top lid - that helps. I also where a Freedom Wig which I COMPLETELY LOVE, I do what I can to make myself look nice, at the end of the day, it's me I have to love. So look at yourself in the mirror and give yourself a big hug, love youself, know that your love ones love you just the same, and know that you know that God loves you and created you and knows every thought you are having, seek him for guidance. In the meantime, get some eyeliner, eyebrow (if you can't get tatoo eye brow from a cosemetic tatoo-tist not just a tatoo place) pencil and do what makes you feel beautiful and put your head up high - and smile. People usually treat you as you come across, be confident - I'm hear if you ever need to talk.
Please go to www.stampmefabulous.com I have had several clients tell that they love this product.
Carmen West
You may want to try Headcovers Unlimited at Headcovers.com
hjohn is wearin the human hair eyebrows. Contact me at cwestgb@aol.com if you would like to speak with him.
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