Hi everyone,

My name's Jane, I am 36 years old and I am from the Netherlands. A few months ago I paid a visit to the hair dresser and she pointed out a bald spot to me. I went to see the doctor and he said it's alopecia areata. I panicked of course, but my family did everything to reassure me it was going to be fine. So I ignored it basically. My boyfriend checks the bald spot occasionaly and had to conclude it was getting worse. Then yesterday I was looking at my hair and the back (bald spot is on the side) didn't look right. Had my boyfriend check it and sure enough, the back is thinning :-(

I am lucky to have loads of hair, so I can still walk around with my own hair, just have to watch out for rain because when my hair is wet, it's very visible. And wind, wind makes it visible too. They way I feel about it right now, is that I refuse to walk around with visible bald spots. I don't mind everyone knowing I have it, but I have a huge problem with people seeing it.

I am finding it hard to determine when the time has to come to cover it up. I am feeling very uncomfortable while out and about, constantly worrying if the bald spot is visible. This is so frustrating. Not knowing how bad it will get. If I knew ahead how bad it would get, I would probably shave it all off, to be in control and not have to watch it all fall out. But, there is no way to determine.

So I am a bit miserable at the moment. I mean my hair falling out is the least of my problems in life and I could have been struck by something way worse than this, I realize it. But emotionally it is quite a big thing to handle and I just can't determine when it is time to cover up. I want to cover up because I don't want people to see, but covering up draws attention too. Which ever way, if this progresses I am going to attrackt attention by either having visible bald spots, or wearing a head scarf or something. I do not want to attrackt attention, at all.

I am sure this all sounds familiar to you. I'd like to hear how you handled this and at which point you started covering it up. Thanks.


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Hey Jane - thanks for replying on my other thread and our stories sound awfully similar. I am 36 too, discovered it 4 months ago....no advice for you. Just commiseration and I looking for the same advice. UGH.


I began losing my hair in summer 2009. It gradually got worse and last month became very severe. I got a wig at a salon specializing in hair loss. I felt so much better, looking like myself and not worrying so much about wind and rain. Today I shaved the last bit of my hair and felt better too. I would recommend getting a wig or extensions if you think that would help. I wish I had gotten one much earlier than I did. Best of luck!

Hey Jane,

So I finally went out today and got a hair piece that will clip on top. It will be ready next week and I was so happy to feel like soon it will all be covered up (much better than with my current comb over!!). I still wish it would STOP falling out and wish I knew how much more would fall out...but I guess that's the nature of the beast. Hope all is well with you. Did you find anything good yet?


Hi Jane,

Glad to hear a scarf works for you (I need to invest in one!) and yay for a nice cheap beanie. Good idea too, I need to look for one of those! Glad you found a nice wig (saw the photo, you look great!) and happier still that it is too early for that. Hopefully you won't need it at all!

Found out the hairpiece order was not actually placed until Thursday and it takes a week and a half...I have a trip to go on next Thursday so it will not be ready on time. Such a bummer....

Starting to have more hair spots I can not cover so easily. Grrr....maybe more shopping tomorrow! (Hardly a fun even with three kids but we'll see!). How is your hair doing now? I seem to have a GIANT patch on top and then 6 r 7 small to large ones all over. Are you still shedding a lot? Yuck. Hope you are less frustrated....


Hi Jane,

After reading this I went on amazon and found 2 summer lightweight beanies and am having them shipped here - solution! Thanks so much, they will arrive before my trip too, yay! So no shopping with the kids today, relief! How sweet that you and your daughter will match, that's a great idea (and what a great deal too).

Glad you found ways to hide it. It really does bring some peace. My husband laughed a bit at m yesterday for wearing a hat all day but it just gave me some peace even if I don't love hats. I have decided I can grow to love them! It was nice to not wonder if any spots are showing. How old are your kids?

All of this back and forth has been very helpful and reassuring to me. This forum really is great. Here's hoping this giant shed will end soon!!!!




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