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This article was previously noted in my AW blog called "Ouch .Would you let your child be subjected to this?" here and in the my founder's blog here Not a whole lot is known.

The writer of the Bloomberg report is a stem cell geek and seeks news on that topic. This news did not come out of a peer reviewed medical journal but from a poster presentation at the annual stem cell researchers conference last week.

The study is preliminary and involves only 8 children with very limited 6 month regrowth and no long term reporting.

Not to mention the pain of the procedures on kids. Why kids?

The sample is miniscule. The results are poor. The pain to the kids was undoubtedly significant.

Keep an eye on this researcher and see if it is repeated with a larger sample and if the results are peer-reviewed and reported.

I posted this about a month ago on a thread started by Elieen Simpson

"A clinic in Florida is doing an experimental stem cell research study to treat baldness with Adult Stem Cells from the patient’s own blood. John Satino, the clinical director of the Hair & Scalp Laser Clinic in Florida is now testing a method of using stem cell therapy and treatment to stimulate hair growth in people who are suffering from premature baldness."

One of the six people in the study is AA. The study will be published in August. But I don’t know if this study is going to be a peer reviewed study.



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