
My name is Katie Reese. I am a professional dancer and I do some print modeling as well in Los Angeles. I want to share my story to children and others with alopecia. I think that I have a unique story and that I can inspire others dealing with alopecia and help them see beauty in themselves. I recently took back control of my life, but not only that..I want to share the obstacles I have faced with being a dancer and model and having alopecia. I am writing to you all to find out if anyone knows a website or organization I can write too to help me achieve this. I don't know the next step to go to from here to be able to speak to others with alopecia. If anyone could give me any information on this that would be amazing. It is a goal of mine to share my story and helps others take back control and feel beautiful.

Thanks, Katie Reese

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THank you! that may be a good start



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