I am looking for some opinions and insite...

A new Derm that I went to see this week at Hershey Medical center here in PA who is a Scalp and skin specialist has suggested I try squaric acid treatment.

Has anyone used this treatment and what is your opinion or outcome? I know everyone reacts differently but just trying to see if this is something I want to try.


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Thanks for the reply, You say, complete regrowth...Do you have to continue to do the Squaric treatments in order for your hair to remain?

Does this work with scarring alopecia? I can't see any hair follicles now.

I am not really sure. I have not started the full treatment yet as I just had surgery and wanted to wait until I am better. I am kinda worried about trying it and getting scaring if it doesn't work :(

I also have scarring alocecia and am using the Clobetasol foam .05%, twice daily 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off.  It has not stopped the hair loss and in the year since I have had it, the top center of my head now has very little hair, I am doing a major comb over.   My derm gave me a pill to try, but after reading side effects decided not to use it, since I had heard many people saw no results.  Trying to avoid a wig, since I exercise and play golf and I think it would be too hot.  Not sure what to do.  Does anyone know if an anti inflamatory diet or biotin vitiams would help?

Hi Sheryl,

I tried SADBE and that worked like a charm for me, I am not sure this thread refers to it above, but if you would like more information, please contact me.

Cheers, and good luck, above all!



I have also had a scarring alopecia for a little over a year.  The hair on the top of my head is also very thin and I have spots all over under my thin hair. I have been taking biotin for a little over a year but my hair is still getting worse. I usually use T-gel shampoo which is soothing on the scalp. I have not tried the anti inflammatory diet so I don't know if it would help.  Good luck

Can you tell me what this is? I am new to this site and I need to see what I can do to see if I can keep what hair I have left and start growing new hair. What is this treatment you are talking about? I need all the advice I can get especially on wigs because I am going to have to get one.

Griambau, could you please explain the protocal you use for the squaric acid treatment. My derm just did the initial sensitization on my butt, strange, but whatever works. It immediately looked like a bruised red spot. No itching yet though. Is this how it begins?
I do something similar. Although, my regrowth is slow. But it is regrowing.. My reaction will vary between light pink reaction(comfortable not itchy) to really itchy burning. It really depends on me and how much of the topical application I apply. Good luck if you choose to go on with the treatment.

Thanks for the reply, What type of topical are you using if you don't mind me asking?

My daughter, now age 11 started it at age 6. She regrow all, but her eyelashes. Periodically, she gets a few small spots, but they grow in. She is actually going through this right now after 2 yrs. I do know others who have tried it with little to no success. Everyone responds differently to treatment. But, like a pp expect it to be itchy and uncomfortable at times. Feel free to email me if you have any questions. Kweensgurl@aol.cm


Thank you for the info. Once you noticed regrowth do youhave to continue to do the treatments or is it something you stop? I currently have white fuzzy on most of my head with a few spots that grew in to about an inch long but that is it they stop growing. I am worried that if I try this it will make the little bit of hope I have with the fuzz disappear as well.



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