I am looking for some opinions and insite...

A new Derm that I went to see this week at Hershey Medical center here in PA who is a Scalp and skin specialist has suggested I try squaric acid treatment.

Has anyone used this treatment and what is your opinion or outcome? I know everyone reacts differently but just trying to see if this is something I want to try.


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Oh that's great about your daughter's progress! Do you know what it's called? I'm about 9 weeks in and have gotten a lot of peach fuzz with some darker areas too so we'll see if it turns into regular hair! I'm going to keep on with it for at least 6 months.. it's good to know she got it after 5 because I think some people might give up before then. I'm glad she is seeing some results!

Lenore that is great news, so happy for you!  I hope my daughter's fuzz continues to come in.  Each week I see a little more darkening, at first I thought she had a smudge on her head.  From what I've read and been told by professionals, immuno-therapy has the best results but it could be that you have to continue to use it regularly for maintenance, just like what you're doing. Thanks for sharing and good luck!

how often do you reapply for maintenance? 

I asked the nurse at the Dr.'s office and she said it is specially prepared for this particular dermatologist and only for clinical use.  She's going to try to get the name(s) of the chemicals used so I can pass along.  Like I said earlier, we are out of the U.S., actually out of North America so it's probably completely different.

My daughter has also had success with sensitization therapy. It took nearly a year to slowly work up to the correct dosage in order to initiate hair growth. She now has about 95% regrowth. My daughter gets red and itchy but hers doesnt last long, an hour maybe. It's worth it to her. She is willing to be uncomfortable for an hour a week for a head full of hair.

what is her current dosage? Any relapse? 

She is at 1% twice per week. She has one pencil eraser size spot..once we hit 1% hair started filling in. She has two spots, nape and above left ear that have been stubborn to fill in.

Hi! You got all the way up to 1%? I started at .01% and after a few months I just moved up to .05%.. I'm thinking I still might need to go up because it seems like my skin isn't reacting like it used to (not as red and itchy at all.. hardly bothers me at all now) I have started getting a LOT of peach fuzz in certain areas that are turning darker, though so I think it's at least doing something!


 I am just wondreing what your progression looked like? For example how many months were you at each level of percentage? I definitely want to go up if I should! Thank you!

We spent 4-5 weeks at a certain dosage, if she did not react, we called the doctor and the upped the meds slightly, went another 4-5 weeks and did the same thing.  From everything I have read and researched, you must get a reaction to grow hair.   Once we got to the 1% this past August, she reacted, but tolerably, and her hair immediately started to grow....It came back in patches, just as it had gone.  It started white and weak, and in a week or two more and more dark hairs filled the area.  I can not believe the photos as I look back over the six months.  She began in August of 2012 and we finally worked up the correct dose in August of 2013.  Persevere!  She does have two stubborn areas, one at her nape and one above her ear.  Talked to her doctor this week who suggested rogaine along with the DPCP.

It sounds like you are in the right direction, up the dose until you react tolerably.  My daughter is 10, so I have managed her care.  I hated to spend our wheels with no reaction, so I was persistent when 4-5 weeks rolled around, we bumped it up.

That is so wonderful to hear. Thank you for the detailed response. I am doing a similar treatment called squaric acid (SADBE). I started on .02, went up to .05, and now I am moving up again to 1%. I went totals and have had about 75-80% grow back including my eyebrows. Did you daughter grow back her eyelashes? I am starting the 1% this week but my doctor advises just applying it to the stubborn patches since it is stronger. Did you apply to whole scalp twice a week or just the spots? I just had somewhat of a relapse occur while doing the treatment and I think is due my diet the past 2 weekends. I have never been confirmed for a gluten intolerance but I believe that I do because my dad has it and I feel better when I life a GF and healthy lifestyle anyways. I was applying everyday but I am going to do twice a week now because I feel like that may be more of a beneficial way to approach it. What has your doc said to you about the treatment? How long did it take her to get a full head of had? 75% of mine grew back within a few months and I had none as of January 1. Thank you! I enjoyed reading your post, I hope that with your daughters healthy lifestyle she will always keep the hair. I feel that will be the case for me as well. 

Thank you both for the information! I really feel like with this disease you have to be a big advocate for your treatment and with this information I will definitely ask to increase the dose as I have not reacted to the .05% like I initially did with the lower percentage.


One word of caution on the rogaine! I was told to use the mens rogaine just because it is a stronger dose and I figured why not? I ended up getting a lot of peach fuzz on my head but also on my face haha.. soo.. I would stick with the womens strength maybe?


Again thank you guys so much for the information... without it I probably would have given up on this treatment within the next month or so but I will stick with it! :)

No problem Julie, DCP and SADBE are very similar. Continue to stick it out and see what happens.Just be confident that it will do what it is meant to do, it will take time and you can always adjust the dosage to find the one that works best for you. You will figure it out.

Did you get hair on your face just from applying the rogain to your scalp or were you applying it to your face as well? Did they say to use it in conjunction with SADBE? Best of luck and let me know if you have any questions. 



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