For the last couple of days, all I can think about is my AA. Of course, I cried and am stressed out about it. My family is saying that I am making my condition worse by stressing out too much but I cannot help it!

Its a horrible feeling and a lot of people have suggested meditation, thought distracting techniques etc but I think I have to cry and feel sad as its a part of the process. I am not a machine who can just turn off these anxious thoughts.

Thanks for reading. xx

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Hi Rattan,

I'm sorry that you've been feeling so stressed out. I just wanted to reach out to you and let you know you're not alone.

I have a hair loss problem that is undiagnosed, and I feel very much the same way as you do.

I hope things get better for you and you feel better soon.

Thinking of you.


Brenda (a fellow new member)

No problem, Rattan. Yes, it's definitely good not to deny yourself to feel as you feel on those off days.

Taking it one day at a time is a great approach - I find that it helps quite a bit.

Thanks for the hugs, and more hugs to you :)

I'm so sorry you're going through such a hard time. When I was first diagnosed and losing my hair I took a month off work, put on my PJ's and cried most days. I screamed, cried and was angry and then one day I wasn't.  For me it was like going through a grieving process and I didn't want to deny myself that process.  People told me to mediate, go to yoga all kind of ideas, all of which I do now - but at that time all I needed was to cry. I think supressing how you feel is worse for your health then letting out the emotions that you need to let go.  You will get through this and be happy again!  

I have a busy job as well.  I teach and the though of getting up in front of a room full of students paralyzed me I'm lucky that I could take sick leave.  It gave me the time and distance I needed to figure out how I was going to deal with all of this.  It was/is really difficult for my six year old daughter as well.  I'm not saying I don't have bad days - I do.  But, the process of losing my hair was worse then actually losing it - does that make sense?  Watching it fall out and worrying about every hair (I use to count them) that fell out, made me crazy.  It wasn't until I lost almost all that I thought okay, how am I going to deal with this. Now I have a full wig and that makes me feel more secure.  I can honestly say having alopecia has changed my life in some way it has made it better.  My relationships are stronger, my faith is stronger and I'm not as afraid to standout as I use to be.  I'm a much stronger person - but all that doesn't mean I wouldn't love my hair back! : ) Sending you vibes of love and support, Cheyenne

Hi Rattan I am sorry about the way you are feeling...I woul imagine that stressing out is not very good for your health right now. I am a mother of a 4 year old who has AU and was very down in the beginning...this is all so new to us, but know that you are not have family members that love you deeply and do not want to see you down and crying. It is going to take a while to overcome but you will get there love...eating healthy could also help your immune system so it does not get weaker and fight off more hair (my sons immune system is shot which is why he lost all his hair)... I don't know if you are spiritual, but if you are maybe you can say a prayer and thank God that your condition is not to its extreme right now and ask Him to help you pull through this, but also to give you wisdom on what you need to do on your part (I.e. Eating healthier, trying new meds, trying home remedies...) if you need anyone to talk to I am here for you! You are not alone and remember that beauty comes from within ❤️

Rattan, I have AA as well. How long have you had AA if I may ask. Now it hasn't been that long for me. I am here to listen and will not judge if you would like to talk. I noticed that when I am stressed out that it does not help my AA and have created new patches of hair loss.

Hello Rattan,

When I was losing the hair-battle, I was crying all the time.  I went to my general physician and told her I couldn't stop crying.  She said that I was going though a grieving process.  The loss of my hair was almost like the loss of a loved one.  So, the crying is normal.  It took a while, but I came out of it.  I found a wonderful wig (a freedom vacuum) and met a few ladies that were living normal lives without hair.  I agree with Cheyenne, the process of losing the hair was much more difficult than once I accepted it. 
As for your family - they are feeling helpless as there is nothing they can do to fix the problem for you.  My husband had a difficult time watching me suffer through it and did not know what to do.  Just remember that they are making suggestions to try to help because they love you. 

Know that you WILL feel better!

(sending hugs)



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