Hi I am Jack Gs mum and have stumbled onto this site by accident. However, now I have, I am looking for support networks in the UK especially London area. If anyone knows of any can you please let me know as I would like to get involved with bringing this to the schools system in the UK.

Many children seem to have it and yet sadly many seem to be hiding behind hats and wigs and other things. I believe much of that is because they are subject to such ridicule at schools. However, I also believe that kids feel threatened by what they don't understand so I am hoping that I will be able [through my organisation I have just set up] to go into schools to discuss confidence and self worth in children. If children feel more self worth and build their self esteem perhaps then they wont need to hide behind a gang or cruel words. We are all unique and children are amazing black, white, with hair, without hair and that uniqueness should be allowed to shine out.

If I can find a support network I would be over the moon. It can sometimes feel that they walk these journeys alone but we all know that the journey is not just theirs it is ours and those who love us walk each and every step with us. I know that and I believe that .... and I am more than capable of walking this journey alone with gorgeous Jack but hey if I can find a discussion group or support network i will be a happy bunny or should I say happy mummy.

Please help if you can. many thanks

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