I've recently begun to grow hair on my face, after being AU for a year. My eyebrows were always very thick, but they behaved....not now. I have patches of hair in the brows, and it's sticking straight out. I've been letting it get long, hoping it would start going the right direction, but no such luck.

Today I bought a Maybelline product "Define-a-Brow Gel", which looks like clear mascara. I had high hopes, but it doesn't do much to direct the hair. Mainly, it just made it stiffer.

Any suggestions from those of you who've experienced this? Mustache wax? Glue?

( ;-)

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Congrats on the new growth. Yeah for hairs.

What bends hair fibers into a different direction is heat to separate the molecules in the fiber and pushing/pulling in the new direction you want it to go.

No idea if these are the right size to work, but in principle a heated eyelash curler or a heated moist electric heating pad (so long as you don't burn your skin) followed by a dab of vaseline to hold the new "direction" in place. After an application of heat, try taping them down tightly overnight with wig tape or medical grade tape and see if you can retrain them to stay down. Pull the tape off in the desired direction and apply more gel/vaseline, etc. It won't be an overnight change, but over time a strategy like this might help..and wouldn't hurt.

And if there is no hope for getting those hairs to behave, it might look better to shave them down rather than have them sticking straight out. But exhaust other options first.

Good luck!

Thank you, Thea.
Congratulations on the eyebrow growth Mary! The un-tameable brow hair may respond to mustache wax. That's is exactly what I would try. Let's us know what finally worked--I hope to have that problem in the future:-D
(\ /)
(o o)
Bunny Hugs,
Thanks, and hugs back to you, Galena.

I used to have to wax my mustache (to remove it), and now I have to mustache wax my eyebrows! The crazy world of Alopecia!
Mary - LoL- what a laugh! :0) No solution (the wax sounds good!) but congrats on the eyebrow regrowth. I've had AU for 8 years and still waiting for eyebrow regrowth - maybe there is hope after all! :0)
Hey Mary... I guess its like the old saying "watch out for what you ask for!" Kidding aside, the brow gel should help in the future to control the direction... maybe hair spray (spray onto your fingers and then smooth over brows or hair wax like they use to create spikes... Bed Head is a product name that my sons have used to create the "look"). Have fun taming the shrew eyebrow hairs! Meg



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