I've had telogen effluvium since I was 22. My hair was always pretty thick but when in c ollege, I noticed massive amounts falling out when I shampooed...I even collected a bag full. After countless visits to doctors, I hesitantly accepted their diagnosis of Male-Pattern Baldness with telogen effluvium. I think that having the "male" title really freaked me out because:A) I'm not a male. The only area  I noticed that gave any indicaton of a "male" appearance was my frontal/temporal hairline which is receded. Anyhoo, the hair loss would come and go with no visible patches or areas of severe thinning. I was always able to cover the hairline-no issue. This would go on for years with stable periods of no hairloss, thick hair, then I would take a medication or what not and the telogen effluvium would rear its ugly head. Again, after some period of time, it would return to normal with only an occasional light shed. This past year, I took a bc pill to help with some hormonal problems. I began to notice a little thinning on my right side. Still, not traumatic, no telogen effluvium...just some thinning I could cover with powder. In January of this year, I started a diet and by April had lost 40lbs..Well, I began to notice a textural change in my hair in April then out of nowhere, telogen effluvium...again; only this time worse than ever. I don't know how much is normal to lose during these episodes or how long they are to last, but I'm so hopeful it will end. I have always been a shy, introverted person-one who never desires to draw unnecessary attention my way. I guess I didn't really know how to deal with it this go round...I've been wearing baseball caps every since April. It is super uncomfortable but my dilemma is that when I see the loss, it just sends me into a depressed mood. I'm a single-parent who is trying to maintain for the sake of my son, but it's becoming increasingly hard to stay upbeat. I'm thankful for a supportive mother who is helping me through...Just some random thoughts..

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