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Can you open a new discussion also i wanted speak about this drougs are you sure no sides effect and are you sure effective?

I am not sure how to open a new discussion on this page.  Are you able to do so?  I am happy to share knowledge. 

Hi pterese,very good post you have put on here,I have never heard of this drug and would be grateful if you could tell me if it is taken in pill form or is it a topical cream just not sure what you meant when you mentioned compounding pharmacy.thanks.

It is pill form.  Naltrexone was first FDA approved for herion withdrawls in 50 mg form.  In the 80's is was discovered that in a very low dose (LDN), it calms inflammation which triggers almost all autoimmune disorders.  (C reactive protein blood test can show levels of your inflammation).  

Most adults take 4.5 mg each night.  It blocks endorphins through the night and then your body produces an over abundance of endorphins to compensate.  Endorphins are powerful.  They can balance the immune system and even reverse autoimmunity. Since it comes only in a 50 mg form, a special pharmacy, a compounding pharmacy, must 'cut' the formula.  They exist.  They can even ship it to you. You will need a perscription. Not every dr will write it or even know about it.  So you may have to dig a bit to find the right dr. 

My dr. is progressive.  She wrote up the order for me.  Find one who will.

Here are a few more links to look into.

I believe this is HUGE!  It is just starting to explode as it can help with autoimmune diseases, cancer, and even HIV.  This is because it uses endorphins, to regulate all that is off balance.  

pterese, what makes you so sure this will work for your daughter? Is there at least ONE documented case of LDN reversing AA? Two cases? Many drugs look promising on paper, but as we know none reverse AA except the JAK inhibitors and hopefully now stem cell therapy. Even your pharmacist saying you'd be pleased with results is suspicious. Do you think he/she really knows more about AA then your dermatologist? I'd be very skeptical about this until there are actual positive outcomes.

The pharmacist told me he sees great results, but it takes time and to be patient.  He was very professional.  I did not feel skeptical at all.  My derms have done nothing to help.  NOTHING.  

I also contacted a lead researcher at PENN STATE who felt it could very well work: Dr. Zagon.

I guess you just have to go with your gut and do your own research as I have done.

You pharmacist sees great results with Alopecia patients taking LDN? Just to clarify, do you know of a single case of LDN reversing AA/AU? Otherwise, you shouldn't rise people's hopes saying it's huge since for all we know it will very likely end up being just one of those drugs that don't pan out at the end.

Thanks for sharing your findings with us, but I think it's very premature to claim anything about LDN without concrete outcomes.

Above is a LDN case with Alopecia.

Each of us must do our own research and decide from there.  I suppose you can do research as needed to make your own personal choices. I will continue to share findings and results.  I do believe it is huge and I am certainly not going to obstain from sharing my opinion and enthusiasm, not simply for LDN as a treatment for alopecia, but many other autoimmune conditions as well.  Here is a medical conference  happening this month.

Good luck in your journey.


Pterese, a lot of us are very interested in this. Please keep us updated on your daughter's progress. Xeljanz has gotten so much attention because it has been the only thing to work for so many people, but there are reports of relapses while on the drug and of course, we all know it is not a cure. Any information about new findings are welcome. Time will tell if it works for your daughter, fingers crossed! Did your regular doctor prescribe it?
Yes she did. But she is a progressive thinker. I had to convince her a bit with my research and email from lead researcher at Penn State, Dr. Zagon. He will accept emails. The pharmacy said to be very patient and that it may take many months. So that is our plan. No side effects and very safe. I will gladly share any progress. There is a new book on Amazon which goes into great detail about how this drug balances immunity. The drug companies do not market it to doctors. They have no interest as there is no patent and no profit for them. That is why so many are unaware.
I really truly hope you are right about this. I guess only time will tell.
So do I. Would help to solve the most painful challenge I have faced as a parent. I will stay in touch and continue to educate myself as researchers move forward. There are quite a few videos on YouTube regarding benefits of LDN



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